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2019年09月02日 09:01:48
Cats in New York are free to scale couches, window screens and curtains with their clawsunclipped.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed a bill Monday that bans cat declawing, making New York the firststate to outlaw the practice.
"By banning this archaic practice, we will ensure that animals are no longer subjected to theseinhumane and unnecessary procedures," Cuomo said in a statement.
The bill, passed by the state assembly in June, will take effect immediately, according to thegovernor's office.
Removing a cat's claws requires the partial amputation of the last bone in each of the toes ona cat's front feet. The governor's office said cats often strain their leg joints and spine inresponse to the removal, which can result in chronic pain.
In the statement, senate deputy leader Michael Gianaris compared the procedure tosevering a human finger at the knuckle.
在这份声明中参议院副议长Michael Gianaris说这一手术就好比是切除人类手指的一个指骨。
“Cats' claws play an important role in various aspects of their lives,”the bill reads.“When aperson has its animal declawed, usually in an attempt to protect furniture, they dofundamental damage to that animal both physically and in behavioral ways.”
The bill makes exceptions for “therapeutic purposes,”or when the declawing would benefitthe cat's health.
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