
托福听力态度题解析 托福考试

学习经验 托福 https://www.jiaoyubao.cn/ | 手机站

2019年01月19日 12:15:25

对于考试的题型,其实不同的题型也有不同的解题技巧。想要更好地解答相应的题型。那么大家在复习的过程中,就要掌握一些技巧。今天我们重点来讲解的是托福听力的态度题。 说话人态度题如何问? 要解决一个难题,首先我们要了解它,下面我就从它的典型问法与特点来介绍!

  对于考试的题型,其实不同的题型也有不同的解题技巧。想要更好地解答相应的题型。那么大家在复习的过程中,就要掌握一些技巧。今天我们重点来讲解的是托福听力的态度题。 说话人态度题如何问? 要解决一个难题,首先我们要了解它,下面我就从它的典型问法与特点来介绍!
  一 典型问法
  1 What is the professor's / student's / speaker's attitude toward …?
  2 What is the professor's / student's / speaker's opinion of …?
  3 What does the professor think of …?
  4 What is the professor’s point of view concerning …?
  5 What can be inferred about the student when she says this: (replay)
  6 What does the woman mean when she says this: (replay)
  7 Select the sentence that best expresses how the student probably feels?
  二 题型特点
  部分题目需要考生再听一次对话或讲座里的部分内容,从而判断出说话人对讨论过的人或事的看法、立场或感觉,主要考察考生能不能听出讲话者所呈现的态度及观点。 undefined 说话人态度题如何解? 既然我们知道了这种题的特点,接下来要做的当然就是找到它的解决办法,下面就从直接和间接两个方面分享解题技巧。 一 直接态度题
  1 注意说话人的语气语调,因为听力中直观的跟说话人态度相关的提示就是说话人的语气。 常见的语气有: 疑问,惊讶(Really? /I couldn’t believe.../Wow!/ What!); 重读,放慢语速,停顿; 怀疑; 犹豫(Um...); 可惜(What a shame./ That’s too bad./ I’m sorry to hear that.)等。
  2 注意形容词等评价性内容,虽然在听力中不是所有的形容词都要记下来,但考生们需要记录有感论坛彩的形容词。 常见的语气有: 积极正面: favorable, approval, interesting, enthusiastic, supportive, great, magnificent, glamorous, excellent, fantastic, outstanding, terrific, awesome, amazing, charming... 消极负面: disapproval ,dissatisfied, boring, suspicious, critical, bad, skeptical, questionable... 中立客观: neutral, unprejudiced, impartial, unbiased...
  二 间接态度题
  1 注意一语双关 说话人有些话没有直接表达出真实意思,需要考生结合上下文语境去理解。
  2 注意委婉表达 有的时候说话人会通过委婉表达的方式阐明自己的意见。 比如教授向学生提问,而学生的回答并不完全正确,此时教授就会通过引导的方式,委婉地表达学生答错了这个信息。 常见信号词:Sounds great...but.../ Sounds like fun...but.../I’d like to...but.../ I should have, but.../ I wish I could... but.../ I’d love to...but...
  3 注意转折处 不论是对话还是讲座,文章的转折处都是非常重要的考点位置。转折处后面通常才是说话人真正想表达的意图和态度。
  常见转折词:but, however, whereas, nevertheless, while, in fact, actually, although, though... undefined 高分范例分享 看完上面两项,自然会给大家分享一个高分案例供大家参考啦~该案例选自了 TPO 40 托福听力 Leture 1 第 5 题,为大家找出它的难音辨点:
  一 真题案例 音频 题型 | 说话人的态度 来自朗播托福 00:0001:05 音频来源:TPO 40 听力 L 题目 Why does the professor talk about his own experience analyzing the painting of a little boy? A. To point out a common misconception about formal analysis B. To stress the importance of looking at an artwork thoroughly C. To show why a formal analysis should not emphasize small details D. To provide an example of an artwork that is easy to analyze
  正确答案 B
  Some significant details will not be apparent to you right away. But if you look long enough, you realize how important they are for your interpretation of the work. 题目解析 根据原文,教授说刚开始看时,以为这幅画只是在讲孩子的无辜,但是仔细看后,发现是在讲这个孩子的孤独,所以 B 选项正确,教授想要强调仔细彻底地看一幅画的重要性。

  一 辨音难点 【出题句】Some significant details will not be apparent to you right away. But if you look long enough, you realize how important they are for your interpretation of the work.
  紧接着,教授用自己的亲身经历,绘声绘色地为学生们讲述了什么是 significant details 及其重要性。因此,例子里的实词重读尤其多。
  一 听力原文 In the last section of your paper, and this goes beyond formal analysis, you comment on the significance of what you've seen, what details of the work convey meaning. Some significant details will not be apparent to you right away. But if you look long enough, you realize how important they are for your interpretation of the work.
  Many years ago, I was writing a formal analysis of a painting of a little boy. In the painting, a little boy was standing in his nursery and he was holding a toy bird in his hand. And there were more toys around him in the background of the painting.
  Because of the bird he was holding, I assumed at first that the painting was about the innocence of children. But as I looked at the painting longer, I realized that the boy's eyes look sad even though there was no discernable expression on his face.
  And then it dawned on me that even though he was surrounded by toys, he was all alone in his nursery. The boy's eyes were a significant detail in the painting that I didn't notice at first.

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