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学习经验 四级六级考试 https://www.jiaoyubao.cn/ | 手机站

2020年08月01日 08:46:02


  Oxford Uruversity once famously claimed to have been founded byAlfred the Great in the 9th century, but in fact, the University as we know it today began to take shape in the 12th century when English scholars were exiled from Paris University and began to congregate at Oxford's Abbeys and Priories, which were by then already established centers ofleaming.
  Today, 39 independent, self-governing colleges are related to the University in a type of federal system. Each is governed by a Head of House and a number of Fellows, who are academics specializing in a wide variety of disciplines, most of whom also hold Uruversity posts.
  Across both the Arts and the Sciences, Oxford research consistently ranks top both nationally and internationally, As well as being in the forefront of scientific, medical and technological achievement, the University has strong links with research institutions and industrial concems both in the United Kingdom and overseas. The University's income from extemally funded research grants and contracts in 1996-1997 totaled over 107 million. The Uruversity's great age also allows its teaching staff and research students to tkaw on a heritage of magnificent brary and museum collections.
  Students working for higher degrees are an important and valued part of Oxford University. They currently make up over a quarter of the total student body of 15,641, drawn by the exceUent facilities for research, which the Universitr can offer; therefore the proportion of graduate students is increasing. In all these fields, Oxford attracts scholars from many parts of the world to join its teaching and research staff, and also values important role of overseas graduate students (apprordmatey one thurd of the total graduate body) in providing intellectual stlmubition and creating and maintaining acadcmic links with colleges abroad To gain entry into the University. Students must first win a place by competitive examination at one ofthe colleges, which have their own adnussions policies.

  The procedure for applications varies according to the subject you propose to study. There are no final deadlines for most applications, unless specified in particular subject section, but there are many more applications than places available, and the process of acceptance by both faculty board and college can take some time; early application is therefore strongly advised.







