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学习经验 四级六级考试 https://www.jiaoyubao.cn/ | 手机站

2020年01月25日 11:53:12


  第 一套选词填空
  26. Bwandering about on a Thai island or admiringthe ruins of …
  27. MThe bottle is sealed, and the labelsays…
  28. I what’s inside is not so natural
  29. Cwater around the world contains microplastics
  30. KThat’s the conclusion of a recently releasedstudy
  31. Lrevealing an average of 325 plastic particles…
  32. Oincluded a substance commonly knownas PET
  33. Gclothing and food and liquid containers.
  34. EConfronted with this evidence, several bottled water manufacturers…
  35. Jlaunched a review in to the potential health risks of drinking water…
  26. BThat is the conclusion of a newstudy …
  27. Lhow respiratory (呼吸道) viruses spreadon airplanes …
  28. Khad only a very slim chance ofgetting sick …
  29. Ahave not necessarily presented accurateinformation about the risk of getting infected …
  30. Oto feel less vulnerable to catchingrespiratory infections …
  31. Cthe risks of getting directlyinfected by common respiratory viruses …
  32. Eto evaluate the risks of infection …
  33. Gflew on 10 different fights to theU.S. …
  34. Deither side of a person infected with flu …
  35. Hother passengers were largely safefrom infection …
  Millions of people travel by plane everysingle day. …
  26. O youmight not be looking forward to the unpleasantfeeling air travel…
  27. AAlthoughthe pressure of cabin is adjusted to prevent altitude sickness
  28. Dyoucould still experience sleepiness or aheadache
  29. Cinan aircraft cabin is equivalent to that at6,000 - 8,000 feet of altitude
  30. G Adrop in oxygen pressure can cause headaches in certain individual.
  31. HAirplanefood might not really be as tasteless as you originallythought.
  32. KAdry mouth may reduce taste sensitivity,
  33. N Althoughin-flight infections thrive in dryenvironments like airplanes
  34. Ebecauseof the air filters used.
  35. F sowash your hands frequently
  第 一套匹配
  Is Breakfast Really the Most ImportantMeal of the Day?Along with old classics like “carrots giveyou night vision” and…
  36. EAccording to one professor, obesity is…
  37. I Some scientists claim that people should consume…
  38. BOpinions differ as to whether breakfast is the…
  39. GIt has been found that not eating breakfast is…
  40. DResearchers found it was a change in eating…
  41. JTo keep oneself healthy, eating breakfast is more…
  42. A It is widely considered wrong not to eat breakfast.
  43. F More research is needed to prove that…
  44. C People who prioritise breakfast tend to…
  45. H Many studies reveal that eating breakfast…
  The quiet heroism of mail delivery
  On Wednesday, a polar wind brought bittercold to the Midwest.
  36. EThe United States Postal Service has a system to ensure its employees’safety.
  37. I One official says USPS is unique in that it has more direct reach tocommunities…
  38. CNatural disasters can have a long-lasting impact on community life.
  39. G Mail delivery service is still responsible for the completion of almosthalf of payments.
  40. KThe sight of a mailman on the street is a reassuring sign of lifebecoming normal again.
  41. FAfter Hurricane Katrina interrupted routine delivery, temporary mailservice points were set up.
  42. B Postal service in some regions in the U.S. was suspected due to extreme coldweather.
  43. JPrivate postal companies also support disaster relief efforts bydistributing urgent supplies.
  44. DA dedicated USPS employee was on the job carrying out duties in spite ofextreme conditions.
  45. HPostal services work hard to identify items that require prioritytreatment.
  第 一套仔细阅读
  Passage 1
  46. What does the passage say about open educational resources?
  C) They can't connect professors and students as textbooks do.
  47. What is the main cause of the publishers’ losses?
  D)Falling sales.
  48. What does the textbook industry need to do?
  A)Reform its structures.
  49. What are students expected to do in the learning process?
  C)Answer questions using their personal experience.
  50. What do experts say about students using textbooks?
  B)They can learn in an interactive way.
  Passage 2
  51. What is the distinctive feature of a sea slug?
  D) It gets energy from both food and sunlight.
  52. What enables the sea slug to live like a plant?
  A) The genes it captures from the sea plant algae.
  53. What does the author say about baby sea slugs?
  D) They can produce chlorophyll on their own.
  54. What does Sidney Pierce say about genes from an alga?
  C) They don't usually function inside animal cells.
  55. What do we learn about sea slugs from the passage?
  B)They can survive for months without eating.

  Passage 1 在线课程
  46. What do we learn about Knowledge-Based Artificial Intelligence?
  B)It is a course designed for students to learn online.
  47. What problem did Professor Goel meet with?
  C)Students’ questions were too many to handle.
  48. What do we learn about Jill Watson?
  A) She turned out to be a great success.
  49. How did the students feel about Jill Watson?
  D)They could not tell her from a real person.
  50. What does Professor Goel plan to do next with Jill Watson?
  C)Assign her to answer more of students' questions.
  Passage 2 科学筹款
  51. What do we learn about the scientists trying to raise money online fortheir projects?
  C)Not all of them achieved their anticipated goals.
  52. What is the purpose of Mike Schafer's research of recent crowdfundingcampaigns?
  B) To identify reasons for their different outcomes.
  53. What trait contributes to the success of a crowdfunding campaign?
  B)Its interaction with prospective donors.
  54. What did the researchers think of the financial targets ofcrowdfunding projects?
  A)They should be small to be successful.
  55. What motivates people to donate in a crowdfunding campaign?
  D)Their feeling of connection to thescientists themselves.


2019年12月第 一套英语四级写作范文社会责任感


2019年12月第 一套英语四级写作范文社会责任感



