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2019年11月25日 08:49:45


  The Chinese of 3500 years ago believed that the earth was a chariot, and the sky was a curved canopy(天空) stretched above it. The canopy was nine layers thick, and it sloped slightly to the northwest, as a cataclysm(地陷) had broken one of its supporting columns. This gentle slope explained the movement of the stars from east to west.
  According to these ancient Chinese beliefs, the sun spent the night on earth and ascended to the sky each morning from the luminous valley of the earth by climbing the branches of an immensely tall sacred tree. To the Chinese people, the sun was the incarnation of goodness, beauty, and truth. In popular imagination, the sun was represented as a cock that little by little assumed human form. His battles with the dragons, which personified evil in their beliefs, accounted for momentary disappearances of the sun that men now call eclipses. Many of the Chinese people worshiped the sun, but in the vast and complicated organization of the Chinese gods, the sun was of only secondary importance.
  Along with these unsophisticated beliefs about the sun, the Chinese evolved a science of astronomy based upon observation—though essentially religious—which enabled them to predict eclipses of the sun and the movement of the stars. Such predictions were based on calculations made by using a gnomon(【天文】日晷仪指针)—an object whose shadow could be used as a measure, as with a sundial or simple shadow pointers. Moreover, with the naked eye, the Chinese observed sunspots, a phenomenon not then known to their contemporaries.
  31. The ancient Chinese believed that the earth ______.
  A. was a chariot B. sloped to the northwest
  C. was supported by columns D. had nine layers
  32. To the Chinese people, the sun represented ______.
  A. the primary god B. evil
  C. goodness, beauty and truth D. combat
  33. The sun’s disappearances were thought to be caused by ______.
  A. fights with cocks B. fights with dragons
  C. a scientific phenomenon D. eclipse
  34. Ancient Chinese astronomy could be accurately described as ______.
  A. entirely religious in nature B. based on legendary figures
  C. advanced in some areas D. completely unsuccessful
  35. Implied but not stated: ______.
  A. The sun was worshiped by all the Chinese people
  B. The sun was thought of as a cock
  C. Chinese religion and astronomy were closely interrelated
  D. Sundials were first used by the Chinese
  Part Ⅲ Vocabulary and Structure (20 points)
  Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the centre.
  36. Though I was ______, I was not ______.
  A. lone; lonely B. alone; lonely
  C. lonely; lone D. lonely; lonely
  37. The meeting was put off because we ______ a meeting without John.
  A. objected for having B. objected to have
  C. were objected to having D. objected to having
  38. Every autumns farmers ______ the soil to destroy the weeds.
  A. turn down B. turn over
  C. turn up D. turn on
  39. I’m sure Harry’s quite ______ to the task.
  A. loyal B. willing C. equal D. capable
  40. Many disadvantaged pupils tend to reject the school and everything it ______.
  A. counts on B. sees to
  C. takes advantage of D. stands for
  41. Do you like any of the music ______ you’ve listened?
  A. for which B. that C. to which D. which
  42. Many people want to buy it because, ______, the price is low, it’s rather durable.
  A. on one side; on the other side
  B. for one thing; for another
  C. on the one hand; on the other hand
  D. in one part; on the other part
  43. It was not until 1920 ______ regular radio broadcasts began.
  A. that B. since C. when D. while
  44. The behavior of men as individuals is ______ from their behavior in a group.
  A. distinct B. popular
  C. adequate D. comprehensive
  45. It was ______ of him to get angry about it.
  A. familiar B. serious C. unsuitable D. typical
  46. As you treat me ______ will I treat you.
  A. as B. like C. so D. and
  47. There was a sudden crack of gunfire and the crowd ______ in all directions.
  A. dispersed B. spread C. scattered D. distributed
  48. ______ can we yield to the pressure.
  A. By and by B. By and large
  C. By no means D. By means of
  49. It has been the same old story ever ______ he was a little boy.
  A. after B. since C. when D. from
  50. You ______ to the meeting to discuss the matter if you were really serious about your work.
  A. ought to come B. ought to have come
  C. must come D. must have come
  51. You ______ your homework before you watch TV.
  A. are doing B. are to be doing C. are to do D. do
  52. ______ nobody was willing to vote for her, she decided to drop out of the election.
  A. When B. That C. Seeing that D. So that
  53. After the divorce she ______ never to marry again.
  A. inclined B. resolved C. regretted D. consented
  54. Last week he promised that he ______ today, but he had not arrived yet.
  A. would come B. will come
  C. is coming D. would have come
  55. It is desired that he ______ his plan right away.
  A. carries out B. had carried out
  C. would carry out D. carry out
  56. On no account______ rudeness from his employees.
  A. the manager will tolerate B. the manager will not tolerate
  C. the manager tolerates D. will the manager tolerate
  57. The twin brothers are very much ______ in appearance.
  A. alike B. likely C. like D. liked
  58. Smith was much kinder to his youngest child than he was to the others, of course,______ made the others jealous.
  A. what B. that C. which D. who
  59. When we think of communication we ______ think of using words?talking face?to?face, writing messages, and so on.
  A. shortly B. namely C. practically D. normally
  60. They had done their best to find ways to ______ nervous exhaustion but did not succeed.
  A. treat B. operate C. cure D. care
  61. Poor Susan had a time ______ to get children to go to bed.
  A. to try B. trying C. having tried D. to have tried
  62. I think it wrong ______ him not to accept our invitation.
  A. to B. of C. for D. with
  63. There are coal, oil and metal ______ buried deep in the ground.
  A. sources B. substances C. resources D. properties
  64. Melted iron is poured into the mixer much ______ tea is poured into a cup from a teapot.
  A. in the same way like B. in the same way which
  C. in the same way that D. in the same way as
  65. It seems that the captain was ______ to the enemy’s temptation either to fame or to fortune.
  A. inactive B. immune C. immovable D. motionless
  66. It is not difficult to teach ______ students.
  A. smart B. fashionable C. sensitive D. vital
  67. They are teachers and don’t realize ______ to start and run a company.
  A. what takes it B. what it takes
  C. what they take D. what takes them
  68. Because of its intimacy, radio is usually more than just a medium; it is ______.
  A. firm B. company C. corporation D. enterprise
  69. Mary was sure something favorable would ______, but nobody believed her.
  A. turn up B. turn out
  C. turn on D. turn in
  70. The old couple wanted to see their daughter ______ the young manager.
  A. marry B. marrying C. to marry D. married
  71. The house was not very old. It ______.
  A. ought not to have knocked down
  B. ought not to have been knocked down
  C. ought not to knock down
  D. ought not be knocked down
  72. I remember ______ the piano beautifully when he was a child.
  A. playing B. him to play
  C. him to have played D. him playing
  73. The assistant and graduate student ______ check the exercise books.
  A. help B. helping C. helps D. to help
  74. The ticket ______ you to a free meal in our restaurant.
  A. permits B. credits C. grants D. entitles
  75. ______, people can’t afford to buy expensive things.
  A. With the prices of daily goods going up
  B. With the prices of daily goods gone up
  C. The prices of daily goods go up
  D. With the prices of daily goods go up
  Directions:There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each numbered blank, there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the centre.
  Perhaps more than anything else, scientists are eager to find out if Martian life existed in the past—or still exists. ___76___ telescopes first zoomed in ___77___ Mars in the 17th century, people have conjured up a wild ___78___ of images or what Martians might look like. But space probes like the 1997 Sojourner land rover have yielded no evidence of such alien beings.
  Most experts agree that if life did at one time evolve on Mars, finding evidence of that life—which would likely take the form of tiny organisms—won’t be easy. ___79___, many scientists are optimistic. “We’ve got organisms on Earth that adapted to life deep ___80___ the surface in underground water wells, ”says Stephen Clifford. “___81___ life like that evolved on Mars four billion years ago, there’s no reason why it ___82___ today.”
  ___83___ last year’s disappointing losses, the future of Martian exploration looks ___84___. This year, two major films about fictitious Mars missions—Red Planet and Missions to Mars—are certain to heighten interest in our planetary neighbour. More important, plans for new sets of NASA orbiters and landers—one to launch in 2001, the other in 2003—are already in the works. Without a doubt, each new mission will inch scientists closer to ___85___ the mysteries of planet Mars.

  76. A. When B. Before C. Ever since D. Ever
  77. A. in B. on C. in the D. on the
  78. A. varying B. various C. plenty D. variety
  79. A. Still B. Even if C. Though D. Although
  80. A. up B. under C. below D. above
  81. A. When B. What C. That D. If
  82. A. wouldn’t exist B. wouldn’t have existed
  C. doesn’t exist D. has existed
  83. A. Even if B. Despite C. Although D. However
  84. A. promised B. being promised
  C. promising D. to be promised
  85. A. understand B. understanding
  C. be understood D. the understanding







