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2019年11月12日 17:42:31


  Nowadays, children rely too much on the technology, like computers, smartphone, video games, for fun and entertainment; playing simpler toys or playing outside with friends would be better for the children's development. Living in a world fulling of various technology form birth, today's children usually have fun and relax through computers, cell phones, and video games. They tend to spend as much time as they have on playing games alone. Some experts suggest children should play simper toys and go outside rather than stay with technology at home.
  A ccording to my perspective, outdoor activities and substantial toys will benefit children more. First and foremost, playing toys and attending activities with friends is good for children's health. They may run, jump and speak aloud when they play outside while staying sediment during the time of using a computer or phone. A s we all know, children obsess and short-eyesight grow serious due to the longer time they spend watching TV or playing video games without moving. If they can go out and move with friends, t hey will gradually be healthy physically.
  On the other hand, emerging in the natural environment and the accompany of friends is crucial for the mental development of kids. It may cause mental to distort in the future without these two factors in childhood. Thus, for both physical and mental health, children should play outside with friends. In addition, kids have more opportunities to practice interaction and communication skills when they play with others. It is inevitable to cooperate, negotiate and communicate when children play with others. In this way, they will know how to interact with others, which is one of the most important features for future development. In contrast, those who like playing technology all alone probable lack an appropriate way to socialize. My distant cousin, James, love video games and are reluctant to go out with friends. The way he talks with people is like a general who communicates his soldiers in the virtual world, which makes others uncomfortable. Therefore, kids do need outdoor activities with friends to learn social skills. L ast but not least, playing numerous devices from a young age, children are easily indulged(沉迷于) in those things.

  Ac cording to the survey from the Chinese Academy of Social Science, more than 80% of parents worried that their children are so addictive to technology, such as IPad, smartphones, and computers, that exert a bad influence on their study . People cannot blame simply children if parents let them depend on this kind of method to relax and have fun at every beginning. K ids are accustomed to using phones and have no strong ability to self-control. Therefore, it is hard for them to stop playing when they need to study.
  I n conclusioin, children are likely to maintain health and to obtain social skills by playing outside with friends, while they may indulge in technology. Parents ought to help kids to control the time they spend on technology devices and encourage them to go outside. Last I'd like to share some words form English learning group,.
  越难熬的时候,越要靠自己。成年人的世界,单枪匹“战斗”是常态。谁都希望委屈了有人倾诉、难过了有人安慰、疲惫了有人送上肩膀。然而现实里并不是每个人都有这样好的运气。生活中,许多艰难无法言说、许多辛酸无人懂得,很多时候只能靠自己应对。 美好一天从“靠自己”开始!









