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2019年11月11日 20:09:46


  The journal Science is adding an extraround of statisticalchecks to its peer-review process, editor-in-chiefMarcia McNuttannouncedtoday.The policyfollowssimilareffortsfrom other journals, after widespread concern that basic mistakes in data analysisare contributing to the irreproducibility of manypublished researchfindings.
  "Readers must have confidence in the conclusionspublished in our journasl," writesMcNutt in an editorial. Working with the American Statistical Association,the journalhas appointed seven experts to a statisticsboard of reviewing editors(SBoSE).Manuscriptswill be flagged upfor additional scrutiny by the journal's internaleditors, or by itsexistingBoard of Reviewing Editorsby outsidepeer reviewers. The SBoREpanelwill thenfind externalstatisticians to review these manuscripts.
  Asked whether any particular papershad impelledthe change,McNutt said:"The creation of the'statisticsboard' was motivated by concerns broadlywith the application of statisticsand dataanalysisin scientificresearchand is part ofScience's overalldrive to increasereproducibility in the research we publish."
  GiovanniParmigiani, a biostatistician at the Harvard Schoolof PublicHealth,a member of the SBoREgroup,says he expectsthe board to "playprimarilyan advisoryrole."He agreed to joinbecausehe "foundthe foresight behindthe establishmentof the SBoRE tobe novel,uniqueand likely to have a lastingimpact.This impactwill not only be throughthe publications in Science itself, buthopefully through a largergroup of publishing places that may want to modeltheirapproachafter Science."
  JohnIoannidis,a physician who studiesresearchmethodology, says that the policyis "a most welcome step forwar" and"long overdue"."Mostjournalsare weak in statistical review, and thisdamages the quality of what they publish. I think that, for the majorityof scientificpapersnowadays, statistical review ismore essentialthan expertreview," he says,but he notedthat biomedicaljournalssuch as Annals of Internal Medicine,the Journalof the American MedicalAssociation and TheLancet paystrong attention to statisticalreview.
  Professional scientists are expected to know how to analyse data,but statistical errors are alarmingly common in published research,according to David Vaux,a cell biologist. Researchersshould improvetheirstandards, he wrotein 2012,but journals should also take a tougher line,"engaging reviewers who are statistically literate and editorswho can verifythe process."Vauxsays that Science's idea to passsome papers to statisticians "has some merit, but a weakness is that it relies on the board of reviewing editors to identify'thepapers that need scrutiny' in the first place."
  1. Itcan be learnedfrom Paragraph1that[A]Scienceintends to simplifyits peer-reviewprocess.
  [B]journalsare strengtheningtheir statistical checks.
  [C]fewjournalsare blamedfor mistakesin data analysis.
  [D]lack ofdata analysis is commonin research projects.
  2.The phrase"flagged up" is the closest in meaning to[A] found.
  [C] marked

  3.GiovanniParmigianibelieves that theestablishment of the SBoRE may[A]posea threatto all its peers.
  [B]meet withstrongopposition.
  [C] increaseScience's circulation.
  [D] set anexamplefor other journals.
  4. DavidVauxholdsthat what Science is doing now[A]addsto researchers' workload.
  [B]diminishesthe role of reviewers.
  [C]has roomfor further improvement.
  [D] is to fail in the foreseeable future.
  5. Which of the following is the best title of the text?[A]ScienceJoinsPush to Screen Statisticsin Papers.
  [B] ProfessionalStatisticiansDeserve MoreRespect.
  [C]Data AnalysisFindsItsWayontoEditors'Desks.
  [D]StatisticiansAre Coming Back with Science.
  the answers: 1.[B]2. [C] 3.[D] 4.[C] 5. [A]









