
英语六级作文预测之诚信贷款 六级备考

学习经验 四级六级考试 https://www.jiaoyubao.cn/ | 手机站

2019年07月07日 21:27:24

英语四六级考试已经近在眼前了。不知道各位考生们现在是否已经制定好了适合自己的复习备考计划。下面小编整理了英语六级作文预测之诚信贷款 ,希望能帮到即将考试的各位考生们,下面一起来看看吧~

  题型 Honesty in the Loan System 1.教育部展开对贫困生的贷款资助 2.很多学生不按期还贷款 3.你如何看待其中的诚信问题
  Honesty in the Loan System China’s Ministry of Education has carried out an education loan system for years.Government grants interest-free loan to millions of college students from poor families every year.
  However,some student debtors fail to repay their loans even many years after graduation. It is the national priority to push the whole education.in which students from poverty-stricken families have the right to be offered the money and the fair opportunities.Our government has a duty to provide and protect a comprehensive and high-quality education for its entire citizens.
  On the other hand,the students have to pay back the money after their school days.Otherwise,they,the loan defaulters,lose their credits, which is definitely not the result of our education.

  To be honest is the best policy.Students master the technical and survival skills,and they,first of all,have to learn to be a human.


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英语六级作文预测分享 英语四六级

英语六级句子模板框架开头结尾常用句型 六级备考


英语六级句子模板框架开头结尾常用句型 六级备考
