学习经验 四级六级考试 https://www.jiaoyubao.cn/ | 手机站
2019年08月19日 17:45:26
A. 700.
B. 681.
C. 537.
D. 123.
A. Via reused medical instruments
B. Via donating blood.
C. Via air-borne transmission.
D. Via sex.
A town in Pakistan is struggling to deal with patients infected with HIV, the virus that can lead to AIDS. Nearly 700 HIV cases have been reported in the town of Ratodero, in Sindh Province, since April. Most of the patients are children. Health officials say 681 people have tested positive for HIV in the town since April 25. Of that number, 537 are children. Thousands of people have taken an HIV test at Ratodero's only testing center in a government hospital. Others have been tested at private medical centers. About 60% of Ratodero patients were infected by reused medical instruments, such as needles or through donated blood. Police and doctors carried out an investigation. They found that 123 HIV patients had been treated by the same doctor before they were infected. Pakistan has about 163,000 HIV and AIDS patients. At Pakistan's request, the World Health Organization and the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have sent experts to the area. Pakistan's government has ordered 50,000 HIV testing kits and is setting up three treatment centers. The Ratodero cases are evidence of the current state of healthcare in Pakistan, a nation of 208 million people. Almost a third of the population lives on less than $3.20 a day. Many Pakistanis cannot pay for costly medical tests or drugs.
Question 1: According to the news report, how many children have tested positive for HIV in since April 25?
Question 2: According to the news report, how were about 60% patients infected with HIV?
1. instrument: a tool or other device, especially one without electrical power, used for performing a particular piece of work 器械
2. donate: to give money or goods to help a person or organization 捐赠,捐助,捐献
巴基斯坦南部爆发艾滋病疫情,在该地区出现56例新病例后,截至2019年5月11日艾滋病毒阳性病例增至393例,在近400名携带艾滋病毒的患者中80%为儿童,其中一半年龄介于2岁到5岁之间。据报道,巴基斯坦南部一地区爆发新的艾滋病疫情,不到两个星期有将近四百人被诊断携带艾滋病毒。巴基斯坦官员和联合国正在进行调查。巴官员11日证实,四百人中将近80%是儿童,其中一半不到五岁。据巴斯基坦媒体《今日巴基斯坦》报道, 在该地区艾滋病病例连续浮出水面的第14天,至少有1548名男性、女性和儿童接受了血液检查。大部分被感染者是儿童,56例新病例中有42例是儿童,393例艾滋病毒携带者中有312例是儿童。当地媒体两个星期前报道称,巴基斯坦信德省南部的拉尔卡纳地区发生了艾滋病的疫情,当地一名医生用一个针头和一个针管给几个病人治病,传播了艾滋病毒。
Question 1: C
Question 2: A