
雅思作文常考话题分享 ,雅思阅读

学习经验 雅思 https://www.jiaoyubao.cn/ | 手机站

2019年08月28日 15:13:27


  An increasing number of people are now using the internet to meet new people and socialize. Some people think this has brought people closer together while others think people are becoming more isolated.
  Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
  On the contrary, from my perspective, there are more loneliness and isolation of people because with less face-to-face communication, the social skills of people are declining and they also tend to ignore those who are around them.Because they spend more time on the Internet, there will be less time for them to interact with people in reality. Instead, they prefer to concentrate on the virtual world on the Internet which requires less social skills.Absorbed in Internet constantlywill cause a psychological frustration to the real world. Thus, people may become more addicted to virtual world on the Internet and lose interaction skills with people in reality gradually.Then lack of face-to-face communication with people around them may make them feel lonely and isolated.
  On the contrary, from my perspective, the sense of loneliness and isolationis spreading prevalentlydue to the use of the Internet. This is mainly because people spendtoo much time online and tend to ignore those around them, and this surely leadsto a gradual loss of social skills. For instance, people may become less confident inface-to-face interaction, especially in the use of facial expressions and body language, as they only need to type words or send voice messages online. They may prefer to socialize in the virtual world which requires fewer interpersonal skillsrather than focuson the communication with real people in order to avoid the psychological frustrationin the real world. Therefore, avicious cyclecan be formed and people feel lonelier and more isolated than before.
  1. more loneliness and isolation of people搭配不当

  2. 相同表达的替换
  3. absorbed过去分词不能做主语
  4. virtual world on the Internet意思重复
  5. 句子调整和升级
  However, some critics argue that life on the net contributes to an incomplete lifestyle that withdraws people from the full range of in-person contactand by getting them soengulfed inonline simulacra,disconnects them fromtheir families, friends and communities. The growth of online connections leads to the displacement ofsocial activities and isat the expense ofoffline relationships as the time people spend online is unavailable for other activities, causing objective isolation. Meanwhile, subjective isolation emerges when internet users replace strong face-to-face ties with weak online ties because websites facilitate people tomask themselvestoavoid harsh realitiesand make it easier to stay in touch while keeping distance. In a sense, the depth of social relationships is traded forbreadth and the superficial friendship they have can never satisfy their craving forgenuine intimacy.
  1.full range of in-person contact
  2.engulfed in
  3.disconnect … from
  4.displacement of
  5.at the expense of
  7.avoid harsh realities
  8.be traded for


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