

学习经验 四级六级考试 https://www.jiaoyubao.cn/ | 手机站

2019年12月12日 12:59:15


  A. To defend Africa against sandstorm.
  B. To restore damaged land across areas south of the Sahara.
  C. To protect natural recourses.
  D. To improve living standard by selling fruits.
  A. Being drought resistant.
  B. Providing nutrients.
  C. Providing a way to make money.
  D. Requiring a lot of rainfall.
  Many areas of North Africa have seen a sharp decrease in rainfall over the last 50 years. Some experts say the lack of rainfall will worsen in the future. In Tunisia, fresh groundwater supplies are decreasing quickly. About two-thirds of the land is threatened by a lack of rain and loss of trees. A report by the Netherlands Foreign Ministry from 2018 says that the effects of climate change may slow Tunisia's growth in its two main industries - tourism and agriculture. Tunisian officials plan to cut the amount of carbon dioxide the country produces to 41 percent of levels measured in 2010 by the 2030s. Carbon dioxide gas is linked to warming of the Earth's atmosphere. However, critics say Tunisia has been slow to match words with action. The African Union is leading an effort called the ‘Great Green Wall' initiative. The project aims to restore damaged land across areas south of the Sahara, commonly called the Sahel. In North Africa, some national projects to fight climate change are making a difference. Tunisia will reportedly present an oases protection project at the Madrid climate conference. Local farmers in northern Algeria are seeking help from Mexican experts to plant prickly pear cactus. The desert plant needs little rainfall and provides nutrients and a way to make money. Algeria is also trying to renew efforts for a reforestation project that did not have good results.
  Question 1: According to the news report, what’s the aim of the ‘Great Green Wall' initiative?
  Question 2: According to the news report, which of the following is not mentioned as a feature of prickly pear cactus?
  1. worsen: to become worse or to make something become worse (使)恶化;(使)更糟
  2. initiative: a new plan or process to achieve something or solve a problem 倡议;新措施
  3. restore: to return something or someone to an earlier good condition or position 修复;使复位;使复职
  4. reportedly: according to what many people say 据传闻,据称
  5. oasis: a place in a desert where there is water and therefore plants and trees and sometimes a village or town绿洲(复数oases)
  6. prickly pear cactus:仙人掌

  7. nutrient: any substance that plants or animals need in order to live and grow 养分;营养物,滋养物
  8. reforestation: the act of planting trees on an area of land that has become empty or spoiled重新造林
  “非洲绿色长城”计划由非洲联盟主导,旨在积极应对撒赫尔和撒哈拉地区气候变化导致土地退化和沙漠化后对当地社会、经济、环境的不利影响,从而使干旱地区的林地、牧地及其他自然资源得到可持续管理或使用,应对当地贫困和食品安全等问题。此计划开始的构想,是建立东西向横越非洲大陆的一排树,已演变成一个绿色长城的愿景,以解决撒赫尔和撒哈拉地区所面临挑战的居民的一项人为干预措施。作为乡村发展的一项程序,这项次区域的合作关系的整体目标为使当地居民与自然自然环境在健全的环境保育与经营管理之下强化其环境回复力。绿色长城撒哈拉和萨赫尔倡议(英语:Great Green Wall of the Sahara and the Sahel Initiative)(GGWSSI)将成为在乡村地区的自然资源退化和干旱的共同影响的全球性的因应,也有助于提高当地收入。该倡议是一种支持在地社区为环境努力的合作伙伴关系,使干旱地区的林地、牧地及其他自然资源,都能做可持续性管理或使用。另外,还寻求撒赫尔和撒哈拉地区的气候变迁的减缓和调适,以及提升当地的食品安全。
  Question 1: B
  Question 2: D









