

学习经验 公共英语(PETS) https://www.jiaoyubao.cn/ | 手机站

2019年12月11日 19:18:10

机会往往是留给有准备的同学的 要坚定信念,你可以通过考试的 其实也没什么难的,一场英语开始而已加油!为什么要考公共英语三级,是为了学位,是为了免考自考英语二,尽快拿到本科毕业证20年3月通过公共英语三级的考试,20年上半年就可以申请自考本科毕业加油吧!

  1.热爱某工作:I am passionate about the weather…
  2.程度比较:Ido (get nervous), but not as much as in the early days.
  3.谈克服紧张:If I think there is a lot to say, I sometimes speak too fast, whichmakes me nervous, so I do exercises to calm myself down.
  4.表达选择:1would say challenging rather than hard.
  5.谈学习的紧张:There is a lot of information to absorb in a relatively short periodof time—that is probably the hardest part.
  absorption n.(被)吸引,吸收
  be absorbed in被…吸引住,专注于,聚精会神(干某事)
  She is absorbed in her job.
  6.谈工作的愉悦:I consider myself lucky to have found a job which is enjoyable.
  7.谈天气变化:The British weather is always changing, and is never the same twodays running.
  P51I joined BBC Weather Centre in June 1992 and did my first live broadcastabout six months later.
  live adj.现场直播的;并未录音、拍片或记录的
  Lively 生动活泼的
  Lovely 可爱的
  P51I am passionate about the weather, and the challenge of presentingweather information to the public, especially in times of severe weather, in acoherent and pleasant style, was the principal motivation.
  1)passionate adj.由热情产生的或具有热情特征的;
  2)Present…to … 把….呈现
  3)coherent adj.条理分明的
  P52Overnight into the 16th September 2004 we saw the winds strengthen overthe northwest of the U.K.
  strengthen是一个动词,由名词strength 后缀“en”构成
  P52It was a different story in the southeast of the U.K., clearer skies andmuch lighter winds allowed temperatures to drop well into single figuresresulting in a touch of ground frost in some rural areas.
  P52It was a different story in the southeast of the U.K., clearer skies andmuch lighter winds allowed temperatures to drop well into single figuresresulting in a touch of ground frost in some rural areas.
  1)辨析resultin与result from:
  result in意思是“造成”,跟 造成的结果
  The accident resulted in his death.
  result from,后面接的是造成事情得原因,
  如:His illness resulted from eatingbad food.
  反义词:urban adj.城市的;urban areas市区
  P53Temperatures struggled in the wet and windy conditions, and Shetland saw the lowest daytime temperature of13℃.在潮湿多风的环境中,气温上下起伏,谢特兰群岛白天低温度达到了13℃。
  see v.经历, 见证了
  China saw rapid development in the past30 years.
  P53There was a real sense of autumn about the weather on Monday the 13th ofSeptember.九月十三号星期一,天气的确有些秋天的味道了。
  sense n.感觉;知觉;感知。
  A sense of humor 幽默感
  in a sense在某一方面;就某种意义来说make sense有意义;意思清楚;有道理
  make sense of理解;懂得;明白
  P54Later on the winds began gusting to gale force in some exposed spotsleading to some rather unpleasant conditions for many western and southernparts of England and Wales.随后,在一些直接暴露在风雨中的地方,风力增大转为大风,造成英格兰和威尔士的西部和南部天气糟糕,令人不愉快。
  spot n.地点,场所。例如:
  lead to导致,通向。
  P54 Weather and climate affect thewealth of a country.天气和气候影响一个国家的财富。
  P54Countries where there is regular drought may be subject to famine anddisease if the economy is not managed properly and valuable resources areexported rather than re-invested.如果国家济没有得到合理的管理,而且有价值的资源更多地用于出口而不是再投资,那么国家经常发生干旱,饥荒和疾病也会随之而来。
  1) be subject to常遭受…(通常指不好的事情)。
  2) famine,n.饥荒。
  3) re-invest是“再投资”的意思。
  P55Insurance companies may suffer losses of billions of pounds, alsodestabilizing certain industries as their losses and premiums mount up.保险公司将会蒙受数十亿英镑的损失,而且其他也会因为损失和额外费用的增加而受到动摇。
  1) suffer v.遭受(尤其是不好的事情)
  2) destabilize v.使动摇。
  deforest 砍伐森林 devalue 降低价值 depress 压制,压抑
  3) mount up:增长,上升
  P55The heat-trapping capacity of the atmosphere is popularly known asthe “greenhouseeffect”.
  ability, capacity与competence
  Be known as :作为…而被人所知
  They are known as the highest mountainin the world.
  P55Despite public controversy surrounding global warming, the naturalgreenhouse effect has been long established as fact in the scientificcommunity.
  community n.团体,社团,界。
  例如:the academic community学术界
  P55Indeed, were it not for theheat-trapping action of clouds, water vapor, carbon dioxide, and other gases,the earth's natural climate would be about 33℃cooler than it is.实际上,若不是云层、水蒸气、二氧化碳和其他气体的吸热运动,地球上的气温将会比现在低大概33摄氏度的样子。
  “were it not…”是一个与现在事实相反的虚拟语气句子,省略了if的倒装结构。在与现在事实相反的虚拟句中,句型是“If did/were …….would/should/could/might do(动词原形)。
  If l were you, I would go abroad atonce

  P56 A temperature increase of severaldegrees Celsius could result in a sea level rise ranging about 10cm to about lm.气温上升几摄氏度将会导致海平面的上升10厘米到1米不等。
  range from(在…范围内)变化。
  例如:Their ages range from two tofive.他们的年龄,岁至五岁不等。
  P56Moreover, a higher sea level base would increase the risk of catastrophicstorm surges in coastal areas, since flooding would likely extend inland wellbeyond historic levels.而且,高海平线会增加灾难性的风暴巨浪对沿海地区造成的危险。因为洪水可能将超历史水平地向内地扩张.
  2)extend让延伸;扩大。to extend one's garden扩大花园
  P56Since carbon dioxide enhances photosynthesis, some scientists havecalculated that higher concentration in the atmosphere would increase theproductivity of crops and forests.
  enhance v.增加;提高
  calculate v.<美>以为,认为









