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2019年12月04日 20:53:20
原文 :
But the human mind can glimpse a rapidly changing scene and immediately disregard the 98 percent that is irrelevant,instantaneously focusing on the monkey at the side of a winding forest road or the single suspicious face in a big crowd.
译文 :
词汇突破 :
glimpse v.快速的看一眼
Disregard v.抛弃、丢弃
Irrelevant adj.不相干;
Instantaneously adv.立即;
Winding adj.蜿蜒曲折的;
Suspicious adj.可疑的
Is There Any Way for Department Stores to Beat Amazon?
导读 :传统的购物节“黑色星期五”到来,电商巨头亚马逊和传统零售商之间的竞争愈演愈烈。面对亚马逊的压倒性优势,老牌连锁店奋起直追,想出各种招数来吸引顾客,却似乎很难扭转局面。消费者为何会更加青睐网络电商?此次“黑五”的到来,能否给传统零售业带来转机?
原文 :
① Competing with Amazon has never been a fair fight.
② After years when it seemed as if Amazon was swallowing the industry, many large old-school chains like Kohl’s and Macy’s have largely stabilized their lagging sales.
③ But those victories may be short-lived because retailers are caught up in a seemingly never-ending race against Amazon. The more they spend to compete, the more their profits are sapped. And even when they succeed in attracting customers, Amazon responds with new ways of delivering inexpensive items as quickly and conveniently as possible.
④ The costs are weighing on many retailers who are trying everything they can to keep up with Amazon. Macy’s offers same-day delivery and in-store returns for online purchases. Black Friday deals are already starting at Kohl’s. And craft cocktails are served in the women’s shoe department at Nordstrom.
⑤ Just when they seem caught up, Amazon raises the bar again.
⑥ Retailers are pouring money into their e-commerce operations at the same time their stores are bringing in fewer sales. While Amazon is building out its own fleet of airplanes, delivery trucks and couriers, other retailers must contend with rising rates to ship through FedEx and UPS.
⑦ “It just continues this vicious cycle that retailers find themselves in,” said Kimberly Greenberger, a retail analyst at Morgan Stanley.