

学习经验 考研英语 https://www.jiaoyubao.cn/ | 手机站

2019年12月07日 12:07:15

今天小编为大家分享的是考研英语二:我要幸福 ,希望通过这篇文章的学习对你们有所帮助,下面跟随小编一起学习吧。

  题图 :Vinicius Vilela L e t ' s b e g i nWhat would you do with $590m? This is now a question for Gloria Mackenzie, an 84-year-old widow(who recently emerged from her small, tin-roofed house in Florida/ to collect the biggest undivided lotteryjackpot in history.) If she hopesthat her new-foundfortune will yield lasting feelings of fulfillment, shecould do worse than read Happy Money (by Elizabeth Dumn and Michael Norton.)
  widow : a woman whose husband has died and who has not married again.
  emerge from : 出现
  lottery :
  jackpot : a large amountof money that is the most valuable prize in a game of chance.
  new-found :recentlygained.
  fortune : a largeamount of money.
  yield : toproduce or provide sth, for example a profit, result or crop.
  field : an area of land used for thepurpose mentioned.
  fulfillment : happiness and satisfaction with what you are doing or have done.could do worse than: 不妨这么做
  如果你有5.9亿美元,你会怎么花? 由于中了史上大的个人头奖,84岁的GM正被这个问题正困扰着,她是一位的孤寡老人,因为住在佛罗里达州的一个小铁皮屋子里,所以这件事儿也让她走进了人们的视野。 如果她希望这笔新财富可以带来持续的满足感,那么她不妨读一读由ED和MN合著的《购买幸福感》。 These two academics use an array of behavioral research to show that /the most rewarding ways to spend money can be counterintuitive. Fantasies of great wealth often involve visions(of fancy cars and extravagant homes.) Yet satisfaction with these material purchases wears off fairly quickly. What was once exciting and new becomes oldhat ; regret creeps in . It is far better to spend money on experiences, say Ms. Dumn and Mr. Norton , like interesting trips , unique meals or even going to the cinema . These purchases often become more valuable with time—as stories or memories—particularly if they involve feelingmore connected to others.counterintuitive :the opposite of what you would expect or what seems to be obvious.
  fantasy :a pleasant situation that you imaginebut that is unlikely to happen.
  material : connected with money possessions, etc. rather than with the needsof the mind or spirit.
  fairly : tosome extentbut not very.
  trip :a journey to a place andback again, especially a short one for pleasure or a particular purpose.
  cinema :a building in which films/movies are shown.
  theater :a buildingoroutdoor area where plays and similar types of entertainment are performed.old hat:sth that is old fashioned and no longerinteresting.
  wear off: 逐渐消失
  creep in : 悄然而至 这两位学者通过一系列的行为研究表面,获得大满足感的花钱方式可能与我们所想的截然不同(反直觉)。 我们对巨额财富的幻想往往都是"豪车和大豪宅",但这些物质性的购买所带来的满足感很快就会消失。那些 曾经令人激动的新鲜事物会变得过时,接着就会后悔。 D女士和N先生觉得钱应该花在一些可以体验的事物上,比如有趣的旅行,独特的美食,甚至去看看电影也好。 花在这上面的钱通常会随着时间变得越来越有价值,终融入到我们自己的故事和记忆中去。 特别是如果这些经历包含了和他人有关的情感的时候。This slim volume is packed with tips(to help wage slavesas well as lottery winners get the most “happiness bang for your buck.”) It seems most people would be better off [if they could shorten their commutes to work, spend more time with friends and family and less of it watching television (something the average American spends a whopping two months a year doing, and is hardly jollier for it.)] Buying gifts or giving to charity is often more pleasurable than purchasing things for oneself, / and luxuries are most enjoyable (when they areconsumed sparingly.) This is apparently the reason thatMacDonald's restricts the availability of its popular McRib—a marketing trick that has turned the pork sandwich into an object of obsession.
  volume :a book.
  whopping :very big.
  jollity:happy and cheeeful activity or celebration.
  charity :an organization for helpingpeople in need.
  clarify: to make sth clearer or easier to understand.
  pork : 猪肉wageslave:工薪阶层
  bang for yourbuck:物所超值让钱花的值

  sparingly :in a way that is careful to use or give only a little of sth. 这本薄薄的书里有很多小窍门,可以帮助工薪阶层和中奖者获得大的快乐。 如果他们可以缩短上下班的时间,花上更多的时间和朋友家人在一起,另外少看点电视,就会好很多---美国人平均每年要花2个月的时间沉浸在电视上,但又没得到多少快乐---买些礼物送给亲朋好友,或者做些慈善常常要比给自己买东西带来更多的快乐。 偶尔买一次奢侈品会更让人愉快。 这也是金拱门McRib(深受人们喜欢的麦排骨)供应的原因---这是一种市场营销手段,它把猪肉三明治转换成了让人着迷的食物。 Readers (of Happy Money) are clearly a privileged lot, anxious about fulfillment, not hunger. Money may not quite buy happiness, but people(in wealthier countries) are generally happier than those(in poor ones.) Yet the link (between feeling good and spending money on others)can be seen among rich and poor people around the world, and scarcity enhances the pleasure(of most things)for most people. Not everyone will agree with the authors’ policy ideas, (which range from mandating more holiday time to reducing tax incentives for American homebuyers.) But most people will come away from this book/ believing it was money well spent.privilege : the rights and advantages that rich and powerful people in a society have.
  scarcity : 稀缺
  mandate :to give sb, especially a government or a committee, the authority to do sth.
  incentive : 优惠
  come away from :离开《购买幸福感》的读者很显然是那些有社会地位的,但缺乏满足感的一群人,而不是还为温饱着急的一群人。钱可能买不来幸福,但是生活在富裕国家的人民普遍要比生活在贫困国家的人民过的更快乐。然而,在全世界,不管是富裕国家还是贫困国家,都可以看到满足感和花钱给别人买东西之间的关系,并且对大多数人而言,事物的稀缺性会加强我们对事物的满足。虽然不是每一个人都认同作者的政策理念,这些理念包括从增加更多的假期时间,到减少美国购房者的税收优惠,但看完这本书的大多数人都会觉得花在这本书上的钱值。
  It is not your aptitude but your attitude that decides your altitude.







