
雅思写作练习题分享 雅思阅读

学习经验 雅思 https://www.jiaoyubao.cn/ | 手机站

2019年07月31日 12:11:36


  Lesson 1 作业20140301Livinginbigcitiescanbebadforpeople’shealth.Towhatextentdoyouagreeordisagree
  1) 写句子练习
  A. 大城市的生活环境对健康有害。
  B. 晚上有噪音,
  C. 人们睡不好觉。
  D. 空气质量差,
  E. 人们会得病。
  2) 画推理图
  A. Secondly, in large cities, too much stress harms people’s health.
  B. Thirdly, unhealthy lifestyles are encouraged in large cities, and this wrecks health.
  Lesson 2 作业20140301Livinginbigcitiescanbebadforpeople’shealth.Towhatextentdoyouagreeordisagree
  1) 写句子练习
  2) 写段落练习
  Secondly, in large cities, too much stress harms people’s health. (请按照课件中的推理图完成)
  3) 写句子练习
  4) 写段落练习
  Thirdly, unhealthy lifestyles are encouraged in large cities, and this wrecks health. (请先画推理图,图形通过了再写英文文段)
  5) 用已有答案套下列题目中至少一个(只写一个段落)
  Cambridge IELTS 8T4Insomecountriestheaverageweightofpeopleisincreasingandtheirlevelsofhealthandfitnessaredecreasing.Whatdoyouthinkarethecausesoftheseproblemsandwhatmeasurescouldbetakentosolvethem
  Lesson 3 作业20130302UniversitiesandcollegesarenowofferingqualificationsthroughdistancelearningfromtheInternetratherthanteachersintheclassroom.Doyouthinktheadvantagesofthisdevelopmentoutweighthedisadvantages
  1) 写段落练习
  Students hugely benefit from learning on the Internet.
  2) 想思路
  Cambridge IELTS 10T1Itisimportantforchildrentolearnthedifferencebetweenrightandwrongatanearlyage.Punishmentisnecessarytohelpthemlearnthisdistinction.TowhatextentdoyouagreeordisagreewiththisopinionWhatsortofpunishmentshouldparentsandteachersbeallowedtousetoteachgoodbehaviortochildren
  Cambridge IELTS 5 T2 In some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decide to do this.
  20140619 Some people think that it is easier for adults to learn practical skills (such as computer skills) by themselves; others think that it is better to learn with a teacher in the classroom. Discuss both sides and give your opinions.
  Lesson 4 作业20171102Somepeoplebelievethatitisagoodideatocontinuetoworkattheiroldage.Towhatextentdoyouagreeordisagree
  1) 写段落练习
  2) 想思路
  20130214 Some people think young people should be free to choose his or her job, but other people think they should be realistic and think more about their future. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
  Cambridge IELTS 7T3Asmostpeoplespendamajorpartoftheiradultlifeatwork,jobsatisfactionisanimportantelementofindividualwellbeing.WhatfactorscontributetojobsatisfactionHowrealisticistheexpectationofjobsatisfactionforallworkers
  Cambridge IELTS 9T2Somepeoplebelievethatunpaidcommunityserviceshouldbeacompulsorypartofhighschoolprograms(forexampleworkingforacharity,improvingtheneighborhoodorteachingsportstoyoungerchildren).Towhatextentdoyouagreeordisagree
  20140215 Some people think the main reason for success is hard work and determination. While other people think factors like money and personal appearance are also important. Discuss both views and give your own opinions.
  Lesson 5 作业20120317Newsmediaareimportantinmodernsociety.WhyaretheysoimportantAretheirinfluencesgenerallypositiveornegative
  1) 写段落练习
  Secondly, news media contain information that improve our qualify of life.
  2) 用已有答案套下列题目中一个(只套一个段落)
  Lesson 6 作业Manypeoplebelievethatsocialnetworkingsites(likeFacebook)havehadanegativeimpactonindividualsandsociety.Towhatextentdoyouagreeordisagree
  1) 根据上课内容,写出完整文章
  2) 想思路
  20170812 Somegroupsofpeoplehavebenefitedfrommoderncommunicationstechnology,butothershavenotbenefitedatall.Towhatextentdoyouagreeordisagree
  201709月30 In some countries, the widespread use of the internet has given people more freedom to work and study at home instead of traveling to work or college. Do you think the advantages of working or studying from home outweigh the disadvantages.
  Cambridge IELTS 8T2 Nowadaysthewaymanypeopleinteractwitheachotherhaschangedbecauseoftechnology.InwhatwayshastechnologyaffectedthetypeofrelationshipspeoplemakeHasthisbecomeapositiveornegativedevelopment
  Lesson 7 作业1.对黑体单词举例
  2018年9月29日 Team or group activities can teach moreimportant skills for lifethan activities that are done alone. To what extent do you agree or disagree
  2017年10月14日 Some people think that the purpose of education is to prepare individuals to beuseful to societywhereas, for others, the purpose is to help them achieve their personal ambitions. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
  2. 给立场并对黑体单词举例
  *Cambridge IELTS 13 Test 1 Living in a country where you have to speak a foreign language can causeserious social problems, as well aspractical problems. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement
  *2018年2月1日 Figures show that in some countries, there is an ever-increasingproportion of population aged 15 or younger. What do you think are the current and future effects on those countries
  3. 用分类法考虑答题思路
  2017年7月8日 In many parts of the world children now are given morefreedomthan before. Do you think it is a positive or negative development
  4. 在课件中选一个题目,写一篇完整的作文
  Lesson 8 作业1. 发散黑体关键词,选用发散出的信息,用推理图画出答题思路
  2014年6月19日 Some people think that it is easier for adults to learn practical skills (such as computer skills) by themselves; others think that it is better to learn with a teacherin the classroom. Discuss both sides and give your opinions.
  剑桥雅思13 Test 2 Some people believe that nowadays we havetoo manychoices. To what extent do you agree or disagree
  2014年5月17日 Children can learn effectively fromwatching television. Therefore children should be encouraged to watch television regularly bothat homeandat school. To what extent do you agree or disagree
  2017年11月25日 As major cities around the world are continuously growing, so are their problems . What problems areyoung peopleliving in cities facing due to this continued growthGive solutions to these problems.


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暑假英语要复习到什么程度 英语练习

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雅思阅读技巧规律总结分享 雅思考试
