
托福口语独立口语分享 托福考试

学习经验 托福 https://www.jiaoyubao.cn/ | 手机站

2019年05月31日 18:41:55

以上就是小编为大家带来的托福独立口语 TASK1 近期新增的 30 个话题的分类精讲,希望能够帮助大家提前了解更多托福考题做好充分准备,在口语表达时顺利发挥水平获得理想成绩。   

  托福口语考试的独立口语经常会出一些新题,而考生如果对这些新话题缺乏足够认识和准备,就很容易在考试中遭到 " 偷袭 " 而无法顺利回答。为了帮助大家提前适应新话题,下面小编就为大家带来 2019 年托福独立口语 TASK1 的 30 个新增话题分类精讲,一起来看。
   托福独立口语 TASK1 新增话题分类介绍托福独立口语 TASK1 新增话题 1-12:3 选 1 题型
  如今托福独立口语 TASK1 的变化趋势中很明显的一点就是题干变得越来越长,或者说更倾向于出一些题干更长,需要考生花费更多时间去阅读和理解也就是审题的题目,而 3 选 1 题型就是比较符合这种出题倾向的独立口语 TASK1 题型,所以在近的托福考试中其出现频率也变得越来越高了。本次新增的 30 道独立口语 TASK1 题目中有 12 题都是属于 3 选 1 题,具体如下:
  1. Your degree requires that you should choose a history course. Which of the following courses would you prefer? ( 1 ) Art history ( 2 ) Twentieth-century world history ( 3 ) Science history
  2. You will need to accomplish an assignment for a presentation. Which one will you choose? ( 1 ) Act out a scene from a play ( with a partner ) ( 2 ) Explain your review of a novel you recently read ( 3 ) Read a selection of poem.
  3. If you are going to choose a roommate, which of the following qualities is the most important to you: ( 1 ) Cleanness ( 2 ) Friendliness ( 3 ) Quietness.
  4. Which of the following functions of smart phones most beneficial to students? ( 1 ) taking photos ( 2 ) listening to the music ( 3 ) recording lectures
  5. Three kinds of activities will be offered on a special day organized by the International Student office. Which one do you prefer? ( 1 ) International food fair ( 2 ) International music festival ( 3 ) International film festival.
  6. The university decides to remodel the dormitory and add a new space to it. Which space do you recommend to add to your dormitory? ( 1 ) Caf é ( 2 ) Study room ( 3 ) Game room.
  7. The university wants to provide students with more types of entertainment and three choices provided below. Which do you prefer and why. ( 1 ) A theater performance by the student actors ( 2 ) A concert provided by professional musician ( 3 ) A lecture from a professor.
  8. There is going to be a TV show that relates to students. Which show would you like to watch? ( 1 ) Interview school leaders ( 2 ) Students ’ debate on political and social topics ( 3 ) Comedy about school life.
  9. Which of the following technological developments has made the greatest impact on students ’ lives? ( 1 ) Electronic books ( 2 ) Online classes ( 3 ) Smart phones
  10. If you are going to choose a position in the school community during summer vacation, which one will you choose? ( 1 ) Library desk front/ receptionist ( 2 ) Technician ( 3 ) Paint a wall in the community.
  11. Which of the following choices do you think has the greatest impact on environmental protection? ( 1 ) Governmental regulations ( 2 ) Environmental awareness groups ( 3 ) Individual effort.
  12. Which one would you like to choose for your final project? ( 1 ) giving a presentation ( 2 ) writing a paper ( 3 ) creating a video.
  想要做好 3 选 1 类的独立口语题,考生的审题反应速度和快速决断能力至关重要,一些同学可能面对选择容易出现选择困难症,而这种优柔寡断在遭遇 3 选 1 题型时就相当危险了。小编的建议是考生需要培养自己的决断能力,面对 3 选 1 题型决定好其中 1 个选项后就不要再犹豫不决了,下定决心顺着选择的思路立即开始思考回答内容组织语言。犹豫就会误事,面对 3 选 1 题型一定要能够当机立断。
   托福独立口语 TASK1 新增话题 13-22:给出建议题型刚才说到了如今托福独立口语考试喜欢出题干较长消耗考生审题时间的题目。而除了 3 选 1 题型以外,独立口语 TASK1 中另一种比较能把题干写得比较长的题型就是给出建议题型了。这种题型的特点在于不给考生任何的选择范围或者选立场的机会,直接一个 what 把问题问死。考生只能靠自己来琢磨应该如何应对回答,无法得到来自题目的提示和参考。因此这也是如今托福独立口语 TASK1 中大家比较容易出问题,需要提起了解做好准备的题型之一,下面这些就是具体题目:
  13. What would you suggest to somebody if he was planning to come to your country to study abroad? Give details and examples to support your response.
  14. Your friend wants to switch careers but doesn ’ t know what new career to choose. What advice would you give her and why?
  15. Your friend is studying engineering and has room for one extra course in her schedule. What type of course would you recommend she take and why?
  16. Your friend has just begun looking at educational programs and is having a hard time narrowing down his choices. What advice would you give?
  17. Your friend ’ s brother has begun spending time with a group of people that your friend thinks may not be very good people. He wants to talk to his brother but does not know what to say. What advice would you give him?
  18. Your friend is forgetful and often forget to submit assignments. What advice would you give to him?
  19. Your friend is struggling in a math course, and he does not understand the work any better after his meetings with the professor. What advice would you give him?
  20. Your friend is working at a job that pays well but that she doesn't like. She has just been offered a promotion that would mean more pay but longer hours. What advice would you give her and why?
  21. Your friend doesn ’ t have enough money to pay for a new computer and all his textbooks at the same time. What would you suggest?
  22. Nowadays traffic congestion are increasing, what advice would you offer to the government to reduce traffic congestion?
  当然,给出建议的题型虽然看上去颇有难度,但在回答上其实还是比较灵活的,大家既可以给出一个建议,然后用 2-3 个理由来进行说明,也可以给出多个建议,然后每个建议都用一个理由来说明。其回答没有固定的套路格式,总之确保自己给出的每个理由都能配有具备说服力的 reason 就能符合题目要求。所以大家的思路也可以相对灵活一些,不用拘泥于特定的回答套路和格式。
   托福独立口语 TASK1 新增话题 23-27:亮出观点题型这个题型也是托福独立口语 TASK1 中比较经典的一个题型了,其特点在于要求考生给出明确的个人观点或是看法态度,然后根据自己亮出的观点态度来进行直接论证。这类题目如今在托福口语考试中出现的已经比较少了,但大家对于这个题型中的新题还是需要具备一定了解的,下面这些就是新增的亮出观点题:

  23. Do you think the government should legislate laws to fine people who use cell phones when crossing roads and intersections?
  24. Is the Internet a good or bad thing for the music industry?
  25. Some people suggest students eat and drink during classes. Do you think it is a good idea?
  26. Should music be treated as seriously as subjects like maths or sciences at school?
  27. In your opinion, what kind of behavior do people do in public that you find most inconsiderate?
  亮出观点的 TASK1 题型,其实从答题要求上来说是有点类似托福独立写作题的,只不过一个是组织语言后的口语回答,另一个需要打字写出文章。所以回答时的逻辑结构和条理性至关重要。虽然 TASK1 的准备时间比较短,但小编仍然建议考生能够尽可能完整地在 15 秒的准备时间内,在草稿纸上用几个关键词构建出一个大致的回答框架,之后再一遍回答一遍组织语言丰富内容,通过这种方法来保证自己的回答具有简单易懂清晰明确的逻辑论证框架结构。
  托福独立口语 TASK1 新增话题 28-30:个人经验题型
  个人经验题同样是托福独立口语 TASK1 中的经典题型,同时也是许多考生开始接触托福口语时常会遇到的基础题型,在如今的托福考试大环境下,这个类型的独立口语题出现频率已经比较低了,本次新增的 30 道 TASK1 题目中也仅有 3 题属于这个题型,但这个题型由于出题自由度很大,因此也很容易出现一些大家从来没想过的话题,给考生意料之外的偷袭,下面这 3 题大家来感受一下:
  28. What is your favorite song? Use reasons and details to support your answer.
  29. Some events at school may seem to be negative initially. However, the experience may turn out to be positive later on. Please give your own example of an event that seemed negative at first, but later was actually positive.
  30. Things always change in an unexpected way. Please describe a thing you have recently done that, ten years ago, you never imagined you would do.
  上面这 3 道个人经验类的题目,考生如果突然在考试中遇到可能会觉得有点懵,比如 28 题问喜爱歌曲的,如果是平时很少听歌对音乐没什么兴趣和了解的同学,可能就会头脑里一片空白完全不知道如何回答了。另外两题也是同样。因此,考生面对个人经验类题目,还是需要多积累一些知识面见闻的,平时遇到自己不太熟悉或是陌生的话题也需要多做主动思考,提升对这类话题的适应力。
  以上就是小编为大家带来的托福独立口语 TASK1 近期新增的 30 个话题的分类精讲,希望能够帮助大家提前了解更多托福考题做好充分准备,在口语表达时顺利发挥水平获得理想成绩。


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