
3分钟挽救托福口语失分的你 托福备考

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2019年05月17日 21:46:39

只要 3 分钟,挽救托福口语失分的你! 以下同学的回答是不是像极了你?独立口语怎么就这么磨人?高手过招,不需要太多招,只需要知道 ETS 爸爸到底在玩什么鬼!!下面就请各位即将考托福的小伙伴们跟小编一起来看看吧~

  只要 3 分钟,挽救托福口语失分的你! 以下同学的回答是不是像极了你?独立口语怎么就这么磨人?高手过招,不需要太多招,只需要知道 ETS 爸爸到底在玩什么鬼!!下面就请各位即将考托福的小伙伴们跟小编一起来看看吧~
  Some people think that family members have the most important influence on young adults. Others believe that friends have the most important influence. Which do you agree with? Explain why.
  I agree that the friends are the...are the most important influence in children’s lives. Because first, children’s in school everyday and they study... studied with their friends. Second, er...second, children are always play with their friend everyday and they...they with their friends’ time is ...are...is long than their family member...members. And friend’s influen... influence is er. larger than family members. So friends are the most important influence...
  表达(Delivery):学生的语音语调并不是特别出色,好的点是发音比较清晰,易于理解。但表达中会出现较多的重复与自我纠正,会对理解产生一定影响。Overall intelligibility is not significantly affected.
  语言使用(Language Use): 总的来说,学生用的词汇都比较基础,而且多数的词汇都是在反复使用,在表达上有一定的局限性。语言习惯比较中式,如“和朋友呆在一起的时间会长于家人”,这种长句子可以使用从句来表达。另外语法错误比较多,如“children is...”、一个句子中两个动词等。
  内容展开(Topic Development):学生完整的说到了 45s,但是其中的细节内容相对比较少。并没有结合自身的例子来证明,为什么觉得朋友的影响大,而仅仅罗列了一些非常宽泛的理由。
  (1)Spendmostofthetimewith friends
  (2)Share secrets, friends don’t judge asmuchasparents. I agree that friends have the most important influence on the young adults, because youngsters want to be independent from their parents and they will spend more time with their close friends. For example, I basically stayed with my friends five days a week when I was a student. Also, young people are more willing to share secrets with friends because they will not judge as much as parents do.

  When I was in high school, I had a lot of concerns and questions about interpersonal relationship. I only shared these things with my best friend who would listen to me patiently. So I think friends have a greater impact on young adults.


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