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2019年04月05日 18:14:28


  例如:As a result of crustal adjustments and faulting, the Strait of Gibraltar, where the Mediterranean now connects to the Atlantic, opened, and water cascaded spectacularly back into the Mediterranean.
  A. The strait of Gibraltar reopened when the Mediterranean and the Atlantic became connected and the cascades of water from one sea to the other caused crustal adjustments and faulting.
  B. The Mediterranean was dramatically refilled by water from the Atlantic when crustal adjustments and faulting opened the Strait of Gibraltar, the place where the two seas are joined.
  C. The cascades of water from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean were not as spectacular as the crustal adjustments and faulting that occurred when the Strait of Gibraltar was connected to those seas.
  D. As a result of crustal adjustments and faultin;g and the creation of the Strait of Gibraltar, the Atlantic and Mediterranean were connected and became a single sea with spectacular cascades of water between them。

  原句是因果逻辑的句子,先找出其因: crustal adjustments and faulting,果:the Strait opened, and water cascaded spectacularly back into the Mediterranean。接着来看选项:A…. caused crustal adjustments and faulting 显然是因果倒置了,毫不犹豫地灭掉;C. 因为此选项中出现比较not as spectacular as, 非常惹眼的一个核心词,而原文中是修饰动词的副词spectacularly,并未进行比较,二话不说也排除掉;D. As a result of crustal adjustments and faulting and the creation of the Strait of Gibraltar,… 这原因里怎么多出来一项,那就解决掉它吧!


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