

学习经验 雅思 https://www.jiaoyubao.cn/ | 手机站

2018年09月21日 16:23:35

我们都知道,同义词的使用,在雅思的听说读写中都有着举足轻重的作用。一个人的口语或者写作好不好,也会经常看他 她能否很好地运用同义词。

  -the process of cutting into someone's body to repair or remove a part that is damaged
  -e.g. He had an operation to remove a blood clot from his brain.
  -an operation performed in a particular way on a particular part of the body.
  -e.g. The procedure normally only takes a few minutes.
  -an operation to remove an organ from one person's body and put it into another per-son's body
  -e.g. There is a shortage of donors for heart transplants.
  -e.g. She had to have a kidney transplant.
  -medical treatment involving an operation
  -e.g. She required surgery on her right knee.
  -e.g. He was taken in for surgery.
  「plastic surgery」指的是「整容手术」
  -a statement that you will definitely do or provide something, which may not be reliable
  -e.g. Politicians are always making promises.
  -a public or official promise to do a particular thing in the future
  -e.g. The Government has fulfilled at least 50% of its election pledges.
  -e.g. We have received pledges of help from various organizations.
  -a very serious promise to do something or not to do something that you choose to make
  -e.g. He made a vow never to drink alcohol again.
  -e.g. your marriage vows
  -a formal promise, especially one that someone makes in a court of law:
  -e.g. Witnesses swear a solemn oath to tell the truth.
  -e.g. Public officials must take an oath to support the US Constitution.
  -a serious or public promise to do something, especially something difficult which needs a lot of effort or money
  -e.g. The police have given an undertaking to reduce street crime in the city centre.
  -e.g. He was made to sign a written undertaking that he would not go within a mile of her house.
  -a promise that something will happen or is true, made so that someone is less worried or more confident
  -e.g. You have my assurance that it won't happen again.
  -e.g. The manager gave me his personal assurance that the goods would be deliv-ered today.
  -a very definite promise that something will happen.
  -e.g. With any diet, there's no guarantee of success.返回搜狐,查看更多










