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雅思口语Part2/3关于事件之最近读的书 雅思备考

学习经验 雅思 https://www.jiaoyubao.cn/ | 手机站

2018年11月22日 17:43:03

今天小编为大家整理了雅思口语Part2 3关于事件之最近读的书,为了迎战雅思,小伙伴们快来学习吧!

  题卡: Describe the last book you read, you should say:" What type/kind of book it was, What it was about, Where you read it, How you felt about the book".
  (ps: 这个话题,其实我写的特别认真,我喜欢这本书,感慨颇深,但是!!!正准备保存的时候,点错了!!一腔热血化为乌有!!那就只好找找资料,自己的东西没那么多了,还是可以看的,少了点什么味道,我不知道,crying)
  Sample Answer:
  Today, I'd like to talk about a science book called , that is San Ti, I read recently.
  The book is written byLiu Cixin who iscalled "the one who raises Chinese science fiction to the world level".
  The three body trilogy tells the story of the rise and fall of the earth civilization in the universe. Firstly, itgives a presentation about the crucial living environment of San Ti people by introducing a game named . So San Ti people were looking for the adapted place for them to survive. At that time,Ye Wenjie in the "Cultural Revolution" exposed the coordinate of the earth to aliens on three bodies. Therefore, the aliens on San Ti regarded the earth as their target or second home. And then they dispatched a large interstellar fleet to attack the earth. At this time, human beings have discovered that the universe is in the "dark forest" state, any civilization that exposed their position will soon be destroyed. With this discovery, human beings have threatened to release the position coordinates of the three bodies to the whole universe. This strategy makes the earth and the Three Bodyto establish a fragile strategic balance. But at last, the balance was eventually broken by the earth itself.
  Actually, I have already finished read this book at home last year, but I took it to my dormitory and read it again and again, especially on weekends. By the way, it is one of my favorite fictions. can arouse our passion of the universe exploration and think of human fate and humanity. It's very fantastic!
  AD: Death is the only a lit a beacon, forever no matter where you to sail, eventually have to turn it to guide the direction. Everything will pass, only death forever.
  The universe likes a dark forest
  where allcivilization are hiding hunters
  anyone exposed will be
  attacked and destroyed.
  Destroy you, has nothing to do with you!
  Give civilization to the time
  rather than
  give the time to civilization.
  Humanity or Survival
  That's a question
  -------别忘了Part 3------
  1. In your country, who would ask children to read, schools or parents
  A: In my country, it would be both schools and parents that ask children to read. Even though the educational system is there to help children to read---parents also encourage them to do so.
  2. What kind of books do children read
  A: It definitely depends on the age of the child. Most children enjoy reading comic books---especially books about friendship and bravery. These books help children to learn and develop good qualities.
  3. Do you think printed books will continue to exist
  A: I think that printed books will continue to exist as there are a lot of literature lovers who enjoy reading, especially with printed books. Printing books also add value for years to come and many can even be passed down from generation to generation.
  4. Do you think parents should continue reading
  A: I think they should, but they usually don't have enough time for reading in this day and age. Parents are more occupied with raising their child and working, but I do think they try to read because it can not only benefit themselves but also their children.
  5. Do you prefer paper books or E-books
  A: I prefer traditional paper books as I feel that the book itself and its many pages have a history. I think the book helps me to visualize the story a little more, especially through the pages.

以上就是教育宝头条为大家带来的雅思口语Part2/3关于事件之最近读的书 雅思备考,感谢您的观看雅思相关资讯。本站提供雅思培训、资讯、资料,详细联系我微信:18560125702喜欢记得点赞哦,教育宝头条,每天都为你带来新鲜的学习资讯,别忘了关注哦。返回教育宝头条




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