学习经验 雅思 https://www.jiaoyubao.cn/ | 手机站
2021年06月25日 08:40:04
从难到易,花更多的时间做Passage 3的13个问题 ,放着前两篇的27个较容易的问题,之后赶时间就瞎做。而且, 先做对容易的题,建立了自信心, 后面的难题会越来越顺手。
1.Reading whole texts 一字不落
Don`t read the whole texts! Just answer the questions! Go direct to questions and then begin to read the texts answering the question. 雅思阅读不是做精读练习,不要一字一句的“抠”全文!一个小时要做40道题,应该 先看问题,再有针对性的回原文找答案 。
2.Time management 不能合理安排时间
It's a challenge to read several not so short articles and then to answer 40 questions in 60 minutes. 考生常常一个小时内做不完3篇文章,如何合理安排时间, 选择性放弃一些难题是拿分关键。
3.Beginning from the end 先啃“硬骨头”
Some tutors advise students to start to do the reading test from reading passage 3. From my point of view, it`s a very foolish suggestion. 一些老师建议学生从后面一篇文章做起,在看来这是非常愚蠢的。 从难到易,花更多的时间做Passage 3的13个问题 ,放着前两篇的27个较容易的问题,之后赶时间就瞎做。而且, 先做对容易的题,建立了自信心, 后面的难题会越来越顺手。
4.Wrong approach to multiple choice questions 选择困难症
In the reading test the difficulty is connected with paraphrasing - almost unrecognizably.Use keyword technique; read carefully and compare the text with the question. 很多考生一看到听力或阅读里的选择题就心生恐惧。 阅读题经常考句子改述 ,许多学生无法快速找到答案,浪费时间多次阅读整篇文章。 应利用问题中的关键词 ,找到原文中的题点。
5.Over-thinkingthe question 想得太多
Some students become so sophisticated in the IELTS test that sometimes they "over-think" the questions and concentrate too much on the details. 有些学生考雅思如临大敌,很容易 过分关注细节 ,不仅影响做题节奏,还把原本做对的改错。
6.Answering the questions based onyour own opinions and conclusions. 以个人主观想法答题
Very often students read the text and make conclusions and give answers based on them. In the reading test, you should answer the questions based on the texts only. 不论何种英文考试,“ 所见即所得 ”是基本原则。考生只基于原文内容作答,而不是根据个人经验胡加揣测。
7.Skimmingand Scanning 一目十行
Too many websites advise doing the reading test using these skills. It is a big mistake! You should read the texts at normal speed in order not to miss any answers. 很多教师或学习网站建议考生训练“ 一目十行”的阅读能力,这是错误的!这个技巧适用于快速寻找任何数字或某个地方的名称 。 以正常速度阅读 文本就好,许多答案都隐藏在原文中。
8.Keywordtechnique 忽略关键词
Almost all questions contain paraphrasing of the text. You should be able to define the main words and find its synonyms in the text. 几乎所有的问题都考察同意替换。考生 通过关键词回到原文锁定题点,找到它的同义词 ,十有就是答案。
9.Looking for answers in wrong order 忽视答案的潜在顺序
The questions in the IELTS test are asked in the same order as the text, with the exception of questions such as, for example, what paragraph contains the following information. 除了考段落大意的题型,雅思考试的问题和答案都是按照原文顺序提出的。因此,看问题位置快速锁定题点很重要。
10.Writing two answers 写两个答案让考官选
Sometimes, when students are not sure of the answers they write two answers in the answer sheet. Unfortunately, this way of answering the question does not bring marks. 有的考生犹豫不决,干脆 写下两个答案 ,殊不知这样 一分都没有 。甚至,有的同学没有将所有的答案都转移到答题纸上,白白少了0.5-1分。