

学习经验 雅思 https://www.jiaoyubao.cn/ | 手机站

2020年02月22日 14:52:51


  JUDY:Good morning. Total Insurance. Judy speaking, how may I help you?
  MICHAEL:I recently shipped my belongings from overseas back here to Australia and I took out insurance with your company. Some items were damaged during the move so I need to make a claim. What do I have to do?
  JUDY:Okay, well first I need to get a few details about this. Can you give me your name please?
  MICHAEL:Yes. It's Michael Alexander.
  JUDY:Okay. And your address please?
  MICHAEL:My old address or my current one?
  JUDY:Your current one.
  MICHAEL:It's 24 Manly Street, Milperra near Sydney.
  JUDY:What was the suburb, sorry?
  MICHAEL:Milperra. M-l-L-P-E-R-R-A.
  JUDY:Right. Now, who was the shipping agent Mr Alexander?
  MICHAEL:You mean the company we used?
  JUDY:Yes, the company who packed everything up at the point of origin.
  MICHAEL:Oh, it was …er... First Class Movers.
  JUDY:Okay ... where were the goods shipped from?
  MICHAEL:China, but the ship came via Singapore and was there for about a week.
  JUDY:Don't worry, all of that information will be in the documentation. Now, the dates. Do you know when the ship arrived?
  MICHAEL:It left on the 11th of October and got to Sydney on the 28th of November.
  JUDY:Okay. I need one more thing. There's a reference number. It should be in the top right-hand corner of the pink form they gave you.
  MICHAEL:Let me have a look. I have so many papers. Yes, here it is. It's 601 ACK.
  JUDY:I need to take down a few details of the actual damage over the phone before you put in a full report. Can you tell me how many items were damaged and what the damage was?
  MICHAEL:Yes, well four things actually. I'll start with the big things. My TV first of all. It's a large one ... very expensive. JUDY:Our insurance doesn't cover electrical problems.
  MICHAEL:It isn't an electrical problem. The screen has a huge crack in it so it’s unusable.
  JUDY:I see. Any idea of the price to repair it?
  MICHAEL:No. Well, I don't think it can be repaired. It will need a new one.
  JUDY:Okay. I'll make a note of that and we'll see what we can do. Now, what was the second item?
  MICHAEL:The cabinet from the bathroom was damaged as well. It’s a lovely cabinet, we use it to keep our towels in.
  JUDY:And what is the extent of the damage?
  MICHAEL:Well, the back and the sides seem okay but the door has a huge hole in it. It can't be repaired. I'm really not very happy about it.
  JUDY:And how much do you think it will cost to replace it?

  MICHAEL:Well, when I bought it last year I paid $125 for it. But the one I've seen here in Sydney is a bit more expensive, it's $140.
  MICHAEL:My dining room table. It's a lovely table from Indonesia. It must have been very hot inside the container because one leg has completely split down the middle. The top and the other three look okay thank goodness.
  JUDY:Any idea of the price to repair it?
  MICHAEL:Well, I had an estimate done on this actually because it is a very special table to us. They quoted us $200, which is really pricey so I hope the insurance will cover the total cost.
  JUDY:I'm sure that will be fine. What was the last item, Mr Alexander?
  MICHAEL:Well, we have a lovely set of china plates and dishes, you know, with matching cups, saucers, the lot. They were all in the one box which must have got dropped because some plates were broken - six actually.
  JUDY:And can you tell me the replacement value of these?
  MICHAEL:Well, it's hard to say because they were part of a set but they can be up to $10 each as it's such a good set.
  JUDY:Okay, so that would be around $60 altogether?
  MICHAEL:Yes, that's right.
  JUDY:And is that all of the items?
  MICHAEL:Yes. So what do I have to do now?







