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学习经验 雅思 https://www.jiaoyubao.cn/ | 手机站

2020年04月01日 20:46:30


  The graduation was approaching, while I, like most of the graduate-to-bes, was fretting overfinding an ideal job. I either felt unsatisfied with the target companies or was turned down bythem. As the job market cooled down, my anxiety grew. I was busy tutoring my student, Michael,when his mother Janet noticed a change in my mood. “Dear, you are not yourself today. Whathappened?” asked Janet. I told her what was haunting me. She had such an understandingpersonality. First of all, she suggested that I choose teaching as an initial job, considering myequable temperament, lovable character, and, most importantly, my enthusiasm for teachinglangauges. Besides, she tried to comfort me with her own experience that she hadn’t found herideal job until very recently, she was hired by a consulting firm. She can’t be happier with thestatus quo. In her opinion, the most interesting part of life is the unfathomable possibility, since wecan never predict what is waiting for us.

  Sometimes, it takes only a small step to get the idealchance, but most of the time, we have to bide our time until it comes along. Janet knew me well; Ican be very impatient at times. As much advice as I had sought from family and friends, I foundthere were rare pieces that could resonate with me the way that Janet’s had. She had walkedthrough the career path I was struggling with, and had dealt successfully with the difficulties. Thereshould be nobody more fit than her to be my role model and mentor. Having mulled over her words,I made a judicious decision—to be an English teacher.







