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2020年01月18日 08:44:48


  Integrated Writing:
  1. 东部居民的主要食物来源是野牛,因为人口增多,所以野牛的数量减少;
  2. 战争时期,野牛、 牛群和马群都是食草动物,牛群和马群吃的太多,破坏了草地,所以野牛没有草吃,导致数量减少;
  3. 新型的枪支可以连续发射,使野牛的捕杀率提高,所以野牛数量减少;
  1. 西部野牛的数量比东部的先减少,所以不是西迁的原因;
  2. 野牛比其它的动物更耐寒,所以在极端气候下,其它的动物会死掉,不会影响草地的减少,所以野牛的数量不会减少;
  3. 尽管这种枪很厉害,但是和捕杀没有关系,因为有技能的捕杀者一次开枪的命中率就很高,不需要多次开枪。
  关于vampire squid会不会吃marine snow。
  1. marine snow在海底,氧气少,vampire squid没法存活;
  2. 捕食的时候容易被predator发现;
  3. vampire squid属于头足类动物,这个种类的其他生物不吃marine snow, 所以它也不可能吃;
  1. chase prey才需要氧气,vampire squid不需要捕食;
  2. 深海中vampire squid大部分都是深色的,不容易被发现,而且被发现后,它会突然变亮吓跑predator;
  3. 之所以vampire squid和其他头足类动物有不一样的捕杀习惯,是因为这样的饮食可以确保它们有足够的食物。它们在海底深处氧气稀薄的地方捕食,这样就可以避免和其他同类生物竞争食物,因为那些动物无法在海底深处存活。
  Independent Writing: 1)事实类 Do you agree and disagree with the following statement? The most important thing governments should do to improve health care is to clean the environment.
  Health plays a vital role in people’s life. Nothing can be compared with the significance of the health since most people accomplish nothing with a sick body, mentally and physically. Health care is increasingly concerned by both the individuals and the governments. From my perspective, cleaning the environment is a good way but not the most important way to improve health care. It is believed that the governments make citizens healthier by improving the environment. It goes without saying that cleaning the environment indeed contributes to the improvement of the health care as the better environment people have, the less air pollution there is, and the healthier they are. But we have to admit that cleaning the environment is neither the most important nor the only way to have a better health. One way is suggested that for the governments, building an all-rounded health care system is still quite necessary. A sophisticated health care system means that once the citizens have any problems regarding the health, governments can offer the instant and efficient assistance to the ones who need treatment. A systematic health care system guarantees the health of the inhabitants. For example, in some advanced countries like United States and Switzerland, people have no worries about their health since they know clearly that the health care systems in their nations are so reliable that they can have the regular examinations and first-class remedies whenever they need. Another way the governments can do to improve people’s health is increasing people’s awareness of well-being. Individuals cannot live healthily if they do not truly recognize the importance of health. Thus, all the branches of the governments should take measures to help people lead a healthy lifestyle like taking exercises regularly, eating more vegetables, having less oily and fried food, etc. To conclude, both people and the governments should focus on health care. Without people’s willingness of living healthily, governments’ actions, such as the environmental conservation, are in vain. Therefore, the best way to improve the health care is to rely on the governments and people’s mutual efforts.
  2)三选一类 Which of the followings do you think is the most important thing in helping students to study in colleges and universities?
  1. Inviting tutors to provide individual instruction for the students who have difficulty in study;
  2. Having the help and encouragement from the family and friends;
  3. Having excellent teachers in high school who can help the students before the university.
  Nowadays, more and more students attend the university to pursue their dreams, and how to qualify the academic life becomes rather crucial. The best way to help student succeed in their learning, I believe, is to receive encouragement from family members or friends with previous university experience. In the first place, communication with friends and family can provide incessant motivation to the young students, especially those freshmen. After entering university or college, they are desperate to break the chains connecting them to school. They gradually develop difficulty to identify their orientation at very beginning of university education. As a result, problems emerge. But if some valuable advice or encouragement were offered, students would have behaved better and thus prevented themselves from indulging in entertainment in various kinds. Personal experience of higher education would only make the advice more convincing and much easier to be adopted by the students. Besides, help from friends and family is more welcomed by students than that from tutors and teachers. young people are emotionally attached to friends and family members, which makes the opinions from them accepted more easily. It is another story with the tutors who can provide individual instruction or excellent teachers who prepare students better for university. Teachers are considered as authoritative superiors to students in the sense that they think from the perspective of an educator rather than an learner. Therefore, many students would reluctantly take the methods or advice proposed by them. Though tutors providing individualized help can solve some problems of certain students, there still are many students who refuse this method either because of hidden costs or possible embarrassment. In addition, high-quality of secondary education is not realistic. As we know, load of study has already been heavy. If school education needs to be improved, students would, undoubtedly, be required to finish more papers and work for longer time. It would end up with students’ mounting difficulty in current stage of education and of course affect the later stage. All in all, family’s and friends’ advice and encouragement is more tempting since it can remove the difficulty and is easily taken by young students.
  3)二选一类 Imagine you are a university student and you are going to choose the course for the last semester of the university study. Would you choose the course taught by the professor you have listened to or the course taught by the professor you have not?

  These days, a group of students are debating on a heated issue about whether we should enroll in the courses taught by some familiar professors or not for last semester of university life. From my perspective, I would like to take classes taught by familiar professors since there are several advantages and conveniences. Firstly, we could follow with professors’ style and accent. In the university, teachers’ teaching styles vary from each other. While some might be patient with students and welcome questions from students, others might prefer leading a class in their own path without any interruption. Different students have different tastes, so it would be easier for us to follow up with the teaching style of professor that we have listened to. Furthermore, some of us would be faced with another problem during class---the accent. If we have listened to some professors’ classes, we would get used to their accents and feel easier to follow their path. If some unfamiliar professors have different accents that are difficult to understand, it would do harm to our confidence when taking the classes. Moreover, familiar professors often pay more attention to the students they have known. As we know, if we take classes of the professors that we have listened to, the professors would pay attention to us because they are familiar with our response and our personality. More attention from teachers would benefit us and activate our passion to do well in his/her class. For instance, during the first year in the university, I took Advanced Mathematics taught by a nice professor who would like to encourage me to overcome the obstacles. As a student who felt nervous and upset when confronting with harsh problems, I was used to his style, his personality and his positive words. In the end of the term, I still chose his Linear Algebra and he paid more attention to me than other unfamiliar students. Thanks to his care and understanding, I did well in the final test. Admittedly, as youngsters with curiosity, we should try fresh things as much as we can, such as taking a new class in an unfamiliar field and try new professor’s style. However, as it is the last semester, we should guarantee that we pass the final courses and successfully obtain the diploma, so it would be a little risky to choose unfamiliar teachers’ courses. Furthermore, if we are interested in some other professors’ classes, we could find the specific classroom and sit aside to listen to the class. In a nutshell, taking classes of familiar professors would be easier and more convenient for us in the end of university learning.







