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2020年01月17日 21:04:09


  For example:
  Independent War(American Revolution)关键词: George Washington, colonial American, The Declaration ofIndependence
  Civil War: Abraham Lincoln, assassinate, Confederates,union, slavery system, Emancipation Proclamation
  World War I
  World War II
  Cold War : Soviet union VS United States Communism VS Capitalism, altruism
  Korea War,Vietnam War, Iraq War
  一.Abraham Lincoln and Civil War
  Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated in March of 1861 as thesixteenth President of the United States.
  During 1861, southern states were trying to secedefrom the union of the United States(有题问这是什么意思,应该选politicalseparation from…)and form their own country. Lincoln, though against theseparation, made clear in his inaugural address that he held no malice towardthe South: "There need be no blood-shed or violence, and there shall benone unless it be forced upon the national authority. The power confided to mewill be used to hold, occupy, and possess the property and places belonging tothe government, and to collect the duties and imposts(有题问imposts的意思,选taxes); but beyond what may be necessaryfor these objects, there will be no invasion, no using of force against oramong the people anywhere." On April 12th, 1861, the Confederates openedfire on Fort Sumter in Charleston, and the Civil War began. Two years later, onJanuary 1st, 1863, Lincoln issued the Emancipation(有题问下面那个词与它意思接近,选liberty/liberation那个) Proclamation, a declaration that stated that "allslaves in States or parts of States then in rebellion" were free. On April9th, 1865, General Lee surrendered to General Grant at Appomattox, ending thewar.
  On April 14th, 1865 at Ford's Theatre in Washington,D.C., Abraham Lincoln was shot by John Wilkes-Booth. He died on April 15th fromthe wound. Though he never authored any books, Lincoln's Gettysburg Address,given on November 19th, 1863, is one of the best-known speeches of any decade."Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on thiscontinent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the propositionthat all men are created equal.
  1.During 1861, southern states were trying to secedefrom the union of the United States and form their own country. Lincoln,though against the separation
  “and” 前后表并列关系,应选选项应与“form their owncountry”意思一致,并且后一句的“against the separation “ 更加确定了应选“political separation from”
  2.to collect the duties and imposts
  同样根据 “and” 前后表示并列关系, imposts 与 duties应该是同义,而collect duties应表示征税,“duty” 有责任,关税。答案为”taxes”
  3.Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, adeclaration that stated that "all slaves in States or parts of States thenin rebellion" were free.
  Emancipation Proclamation后面逗号后紧跟解释,关键词“free”, 因此选“liberty”
  是不是感觉很简单呢?如果答案是NO, 考生们,是不是应该去了解一下美国的基本历史了?着眼于上一篇文章题材,我们首先回顾一下美国的南北战争。
  二.The American Civil War(1861-1865)
  The American Civil War (1861-1865) , often referred to simply as The Civil War in the UnitedStates, was a civil war fought in the United States of America. In response tothe election of Abraham Lincoln as President of the United States, 11 southernslave states declared their secession from the United States and formed theConfederate States of America ("the Confederacy"); the other 25states supported the federal government ("the union"). After fouryears of warfare, mostly within the Southern states, the Confederacy surrenderedand slavery was outlawed everywhere in the nation. Issues that led to war werepartially resolved in the Reconstruction Era that followed, though othersremained unresolved.
  In the presidential election of 1860, the RepublicanParty, led by Abraham Lincoln, had campaigned against expanding slavery beyondthe states in which it already existed. The Republicans strongly advocatednationalism, and in their 1860 platform they denounced threats of disunion asavowals of treason. After a Republican victory, but before the newadministration took office on March 4, 1861, seven cotton states declared theirsecession and joined to form the Confederate States of America. Both theoutgoing administration of President James Buchanan and the incomingadministration rejected the legality of secession, considering it rebellion.The other eight slave states rejected calls for secession at this point. Nocountry in the world recognized the Confederacy.
  Hostilities began on April 12, 1861, when Confederateforces attacked a U.S. military installation at Fort Sumter in South Carolina.Lincoln responded by calling for a volunteer army from each state to recapturefederal property, which led to declarations of secession by four more slavestates. Both sides raised armies as the union seized control of the borderstates early in the war and established a naval blockade. Land warfare in theEast was inconclusive in 1861–62, as the Confederacy beat back union efforts tocapture its capital, Richmond, Virginia, notably during the Peninsular Campaign.In September 1862, the Confederate campaign in Maryland ended in defeat at theBattle of Antietam, which dissuaded the British from intervening. Days afterthat battle, Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which made endingslavery a war goal.

  In 1863, Confederate general Robert E. Lee's northwardadvance ended in defeat at the Battle of Gettysburg. To the west, the union gained control of the Mississippi River after the Battle of Shiloh and Siege ofVicksburg, splitting the Confederacy in two and destroying much of theirwestern army. Due to his western successes, Ulysses S. Grant was given commandof the eastern army in 1864, and organized the armies of William TecumsehSherman, Philip Sheridan and others to attack the Confederacy from alldirections, increasing the North's advantage in manpower. Grant restructuredthe union army, and put other generals in command of divisions of the army thatwere to support his push into Virginia. He fought several battles of attritionagainst Lee through the Overland Campaign to seize Richmond, though in the faceof fierce resistance he altered his plans and led the Siege of Petersburg whichnearly finished off the rest of Lee's army. Meanwhile, Sherman captured Atlantaand marched to the sea, destroying Confederate infrastructure along the way.When the Confederate attempt to defend Petersburg failed, the Confederate armyretreated but was pursued and defeated, which resulted in Lee's surrender toGrant at Appomattox Court House on April 9, 1865.
  The American Civil War was one of the earliest trueindustrial wars. Railroads, the telegraph, steamships, and mass-producedweapons were employed extensively. The practices of total war, developed bySherman in Georgia, and of trench warfare around Petersburg foreshadowed WorldWar I in Europe. It remains the deadliest war in American history, resulting inthe deaths of 620,000 soldiers and an undetermined number of civiliancasualties. Historian John Huddleston estimates the death toll at ten percentof all Northern males 20–45 years old, and 30 percent of all Southern whitemales aged 18–40.Victory for the North meant the end of the Confederacy and ofslavery in the United States, and strengthened the role of the federalgovernment. The social, political, economic and racial issues of the wardecisively shaped the reconstruction era that lasted to 1877.
  在1860年的总统中,共和党在亚伯拉罕·的带领下反对将奴隶制扩大到已经存在的洲之外。共和党力提倡民族,在1860年的政纲中,他们谴责不团结的威胁,称之为叛国的誓言。在共和党获胜后,但在新于1861年3月4日上台之前,七个棉花州宣布脱离联邦,并加入组成了美国联邦。即将卸任的总统詹姆斯·布坎南(James Buchanan)和即将上任的下届都拒绝承认的合法性,认为这是叛乱。其他8个奴隶州则拒绝了此时要求的呼声。世界上没有一个国家承认南方联盟。










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