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学习经验 自考英语 https://www.jiaoyubao.cn/ | 手机站

2019年12月28日 11:54:13


  1.Reading non-fiction writing critically involves___.A.supporting the author's opinionB.developing your own opinionsC.understanding what is writtenD.reading without any imagination
  【正确答案】B【答案解析】此题为句意理解题。由文中一、段Critical reading involves questioning and evalating what the author is saying,and forming your own opinions about what the author is saying 可知,非文学类作品的批评性阅读是要提出自己的观点和摆明自己的态度,选项B,即提出自己的观点,为恰当。答案为B。
  2.Before accepting whatis written in an article, you should be sure that______.A.enough support for the assertions has been givenB.your values and attitudes have been, reflected initC.it has been checked from an authoritative sourceD.you have found the differences in the writingstyles
  【正确答案】A【答案解析】此题为句意理解题。由文中第三段第三句,Before accepting what is written, be certain that the author provides sufficient support for any assertions made 可知,选项A符合文中意思,即你在接受作者的观点之前,要确信有足够的论据支持作者的论点。答案为A。
  3.If there are someinconsistent points in the article, you should________.A.insist on your own opinion and confirm itB.avoid mentioning the inconsistenciesC.emphasize the work of authoritiesD.examine the author's supportive statements
  【正确答案】D【答案解析】此题为句意理解题。由文中第四段末句,If there are inconsistencies, carefully evaluate the support the author provides for the inconsistencies 可知,符合原文,即如果文章中有不一致的观点时,你要仔细阅读并检查作者所提出的支持其论点的论证。答案为D。
  4.Einstein is arelevant source when the article is about_________A.physical breakthroughsB.the subject of poetryC.studies in current physicsD.credible writing Sources
  【正确答案】A【答案解析】此题为细节题。由文中第六段第三句,Einstein is a credible source if the author is writing about landmark achievements in physics 可知,如果文章讲的是关于物理学的突破时,爱因斯坦就是相关的例子。答案为A。
  5.The author believesthat by being a critical reader you can________ .A.remember what is written clearlyB.eliminate your own discriminationC.have much more knowledgeD.spend more time in reading
  【正确答案】C【答案解析】此题为文章大意总结题。由课文后一段结束句,By being a critical reader, you will become better informed and may change your views as appropriate 可知,课文结束说通过做一名有判断力的读者,你会变得见多识广,也能使你的观点更恰当,所以选项C符合课文的意思。答案为C。
  Exercise II
  1.These results are _____ with the findings of theprevious study.(consistent, consistency)
  【正确答案】consistent【答案解析】be consistent with… 固定短语,意为与……相符。其中be动词are后面应该是表语形容词consistent,而consistency 是名词形式。答案为consistent。
  2.We were not surprisedby their_____ that the train services would be reduced.(state, statement)
  【正确答案】statement【答案解析】statement,名词,说明、表态,而state 表示“陈述”时是动词,做名词解时是“国度”的意思。答案为statement。
  3.The statistics______a change in people's spending habits.(reflect,reflection)
  4.I'm afraid yourdriving license is______ in Eastern Europe.(valid,invalid)
  【正确答案】invalid【答案解析】译文:我担心你的驾驶执照在东欧无效。invalid 是valid 的反义词,意为“无效的”。答案为invalid。
  5.Twenty-five dollarswas______ more than he had expected to pay (considerable,considerably)
  6.Direct _______between the two languages is not possible.(compare,comparison)
  【正确答案】comparison【答案解析】译文:直接对比两种语言是不可能的。这里空格处的单词是主语中心词,主语中心词不能是动词。comparison,名词,表示“比较,对比”;compare 是其动词形式。答案为comparison。
  Section B
  1.In my opinion, there was no _____evidence against him.
  【正确答案】credible【答案解析】句意:我的意见是,没有反对他的可信的证据。这里against sb.指的是反对某人。形容词credible 意为可信的。答案为credible。
  2.Even the smallestbaby can _____its mother by her voice.
  3.People tend to make_____ about you based on your appearance.
  4.This newrepresents_____ the current situation in our schools.
  5.The performance ofeach employee is ____ once a year.
  【正确答案】evaluated【答案解析】句意:每年,每一位员工的表现每年都会被评估一次。注意此句子中的被动语态,员工绩效被评估,所以动词evaluate 应为被动式evaluated。答案为evaluated。
  6.We need to ensurethat the teaching they receive is _____to their needs.
  【正确答案】appropriate【答案解析】句意:我们需要确保他们所接受的教育适合他们的需求。appropriate 是形容词,指的是“合适的”。答案为appropriate。
  Section C
  1.That bit of the form is for UK citizens -it doesn't apply ____ you.
  【正确答案】to【答案解析】译文:表格的那一部分是针对英国公民的,和你没关系。apply to,固定搭配,应用,使用。答案为to。
  2.Arguments were put____ for changing some of the rules of the game.
  【正确答案】forth【答案解析】译文:争议之所以产生,是因为要修改该项运动的一些规则。put forth,固定搭配,提出,产生。答案为forth。
  3.When judging hisperformance, don't take his age ____ account.
  【正确答案】into【答案解析】take...into account ,固定搭配,考虑到,顾及。答案为into。
  4.He's universallyrecognized as an authority ____ Russian affairs.
  5.Just compare the onethat has been cleaned ____ the others.
  【正确答案】with【答案解析】compare...with… 为固定搭配,把……和……做对比,比较。compare t。把……比作。答案为with。
  6.Education should berelevant ____ the child's needs.
  【正确答案】to【答案解析】be relevant to,固定搭配,有关的,相关的。答案为to。

  Language is one of the things the sets us apart asbeings, one of the things that essentially define us as humans. When languageis used well it can elicit very deep feeling in others, motivate others toaction and define the nature of our relationships. Sometimes in poetry thejuxtaposition (并列) of two wordsor a certain phrase can bring tears to the eyes, call up a whole host ofimagery and move us deeply. We have seen language recently used in the politicsof persuasion, used for good or ill ---- depending on your viewpoint. When weuse language to express our true feelings to someone it can open and deepen theconnection between us. Language is a very powerful tool. How we use languageshapes our world both internally and externally. How you use self-talk ----what you say to yourself about yourself and about the world directly shapesyour experience of both yourself and the world. How you deliver communicationshapes the way the world responds to you. We can use language more effectivelyin both spheres: internal and external and directly influence the health andpower of our personal relationships and our business relationships.
  练习题 (部分)The Power of Language
  Language is something that defines (define) us as humans. When language is____ (use) well, it can bring out very deep feelings in others, and encourageothers to take ____(act). Sometimes in poetry a certain phrase can bring ____(tear)to the eyes and move us deeply. When we use language to express our truefeelings to someone, it can open and ____(deep) the connection between us.Language is a very ____(power) tool. How we use language shapes our world. Howwe use self-talk ____(direct) shapes our experience of both ourselves and theworld. How we deliver ____(communicate) shapes the way the world ____(respond)to us. We can use language more ____(effective). And this clearly influencesthe health and power of our ____(person) relationships and businessrelationships.
  1. used(use)被动 be 过去分词
  2.action(act)词组 take action 采取行动
  3.tears(tear)词组 bring tears tothe eyes 使人流泪
  6. directly(direct)直接塑造了我们的经历 修饰动词shapes用副词directly
  7.communication(communicate)固定表达deliver communication 进行交流
  9.effectively(effective). 更有效地使用语言 修饰动词短语use language用副词effectively








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