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学习经验 四级六级考试 https://www.jiaoyubao.cn/ | 手机站

2019年12月12日 15:24:45


  What's Most Important in Choosing Where to Live
  Where we choose to live can have a huge impact on our juggle. Living in an unfriendly neighborhood, or one where residents move often, can make it harder to find child-care help or other support. On the other hand, settling in a peaceful rural hamlet may seem like a great way to calibrate your juggle-until you realize you can't make a living relying on the slow dial-up Internet access available there.
  A recent survey tackled the question of what bonds us to the places we live, and its findings suggest the quality of our juggle is a more influential factor than economists might think.Given a choice, most people don't care as much about the local economy as they do about the social offerings, physical beauty and openness of a locale, says a recently released survey of about 14,000 people in 26 communities by Gallup and the Knight Foundation.
  Those intangibles-how warm, welcoming and fun a community seems to be-are apparently why people living in Miami tend to like it even more than they did last year. Residents of Minneapolis-St. Paul had an above-average regard for their town even "B.F.Before Favre" joined the Vikings, this article reports.Even in hard-pressed Detroit, citizens are liking life a little more than recent years,perhaps because of better parks, green spaces and recreational opportunities, marked by Investments in bike paths.
  In my case, living in the Pacific Northwest is a trade off. My town of Portland offers wonderful outdoor-sports access, edgy culture and natural beauty. However,as one who has worked in journalism and publishing all my life, I find many of my career contacts are a continent away, in New York.
  Juggle readers, you have commented in the past on regiona1 differences in the juggle. Dressing everyone, including srnal1 kids, for frigid weather cornp1icates the daily routine. And the quirky amenities some of you have cited in your comments-such as the feral pigs and ducks wandering in parts of Hawaii-can lighten one's mood and outlook.
  近的一份调查正是希望揭示到底是哪些因素促使我们选择安家之地,结果发现,生活质量是一个比经济学家想象的可能还要更具影响的因素。这份由盖洛普和Knight Foundation联合对26个社区的大约14000人进行的调查显示,如果有选择,大多数人更加关心这个地点的社会服务、自然环境以及开阔程度,而不是当地经济如何。
  这些无形的因素一一气候温暖、邻里友好、生活有趣的社区环境,显然是住在迈阿密的居民为何比去年更喜欢住在这里的原因。根据这项调查,即便橄榄球明星Favre加入本城的维京人队之前,明尼阿波利斯一圣保罗的居民对自己居住地的评价也高于平均水平。就算是压力很大的底特律,当地居民现在也比近年来更加热爱生活,也许原因在于美化的公园、绿色的空间以及丰富多彩的娱乐设施,其标志则是对自行车车道的大力投资。 我自己呢,选择住在西北太平洋地区则代表一种生活的取舍。我所在的波特兰有极好的户外运动设施,先锋派的文化,还有优美的自然环境。不过,对于一生都在新闻和出版界工作的我,我发现跟我事业有关的诸多联系人都远在大陆彼岸的纽约。
  1. Given a choice, most people don't care as much about the local economy as they do about the social offerings, physical beauty and openness of a locale, says a recently released survey of about 14,000 people in 26 communities by Gallup and the Knight Foundation. 本句是一个复合句,says前面的成分充当says的宾语。of about 14000 people...Foundation介词短语作后置定语,修饰survey。 given a choice过去分词短语作条件状语。 语法重点:宾语从句,介词短语作定语,分词短语作状语

  2. Even in hard-pressed Detroit, citizens are liking life a little more than in recent years, perhaps because of better parks, green spaces and recreational opportunities, marked by investments in bike paths. 本句是一个简单句,句子主干是citizens are liking life a little more than in recent year so even in hard-pressed Detroit介词短语作地点状语。 because of...opportunities介词短语作原因状语。 marked by...paths. 过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰opportunities。 语法重点:介词短语作状语,分词短语作定语
  3. Dressing everyone, including small kids, for frigid weather complicates the daily routine. 本句是一个简单句,句子主干为dressing everyone complicates the daily routine,其中 dressing everyone是动名词短语作主语,including small kids现在分词短语作后置定语,修饰everyone. for frigid weather 介词短语作目的状语。 语法重点:动名词短语作主语,分词短语作定语,介词短语作状语。







