

学习经验 PTE https://www.jiaoyubao.cn/ | 手机站

2019年11月21日 09:29:36

pte如何保分?立刻说pte怎么样? SST和SWT两种概括题其实很多相似之处:SWT需要阅读一段文字,写出5-75个字的一个完整句子,而SST需要考生听一篇材料,然后写出50-70字的总结,同时都影响写作分数。对于PTE听力比较弱的考生,SST会更有难度。 其中,SST失分常见的原因,有两点。

  pte如何保分?立刻说pte怎么样? SST和SWT两种概括题其实很多相似之处:SWT需要阅读一段文字,写出5-75个字的一个完整句子,而SST需要考生听一篇材料,然后写出50-70字的总结,同时都影响写作分数。对于PTE听力比较弱的考生,SST会更有难度。 其中,SST失分常见的原因,有两点。
  一是,Key point抓不到,无法提取出文章的重点。或是,Key point记下了,但无法把之间的关系理清。
  二是,写作错误。要么语言组织不行,要么字数不够或过多,要么语法错误过多。 PTE听力干货:SST例题讲解 针对两大缺陷给大伙5点建议:
  1、多分析学术文章 由于听力都是属于偏学术的内容,所以考生面对这类SST题目需要去了解学术文章的常见结构及内在规律。
  2、提高速记能力 需要去提高自己的快速记忆能力,需要学会去借助自己能理解的简单符号帮助自己记录key point。
  3、多背、多用专业词汇 提高词汇量,学会去去理解speech中的专业词汇 。建议考生,可以加强学科词汇的分类记忆。
  4、加强心理素质 即使是在遇到听不懂的难度词汇时,也要心情平静的继续听题。久而久之,便可应付考试中的“突发状况”。
  5、抓重点 写summary的时候一定要抓住重点,好是可以用原文出现过的词汇,并且还要去控制字数。要芝麻,还是西瓜,当然选西瓜。
  One of the really helpful things that you can do to help reduce prejudice and discrimination is to re-categorize. To finally, to expand your schemas, or expand your concepts of different groups. So rather than treating people (kind of like) a member of the stereotyped groups, to try and approach each person as an individual. Right, trying to see people as individual rather than part of a group of shared characteristics or stereotypical, uh, kind of actions, thoughts or beliefs. Another thing that you can do is have controlled processing. Try to train yourself to be a little bit more mindful with people that differ from you. So suppress your prejudice beliefs and challenge them. Actively think about them and try to control the way that you think about the world that the processing that you might have. Another thing is to be open-minded, be open to new things. Don’t make up your mind before you have enough evidence to do so. So always try to be open to new possibilities, new people, new ideas, new whatever, and try not to again, make conclusions, maybe before you have enough evidence. Another thing that will help with everything we’ve mentioned so far is to have improved group contact, always make me think about breakfast club with different people hanging out with each other, and this case by force, but still, it has this, uh, effective group contact. Hanging out with different people can increase your exposure to different people that you normally might not met (语法错误,meet). It will help you to re-categorize, to expand your schemas which we talked about earlier, so hanging out with people that you might not normally (do), expand your horizons, do new things, push your boundaries.
  Reduce prejudice and discrimination 减少偏见和歧视
  recategorize 重新分类

  schema 模式
  stereotyped groups 刻板印象群体
  suppress your prejudice 压迫/压抑偏见情绪
  mindful 关心,在意
  by force 强迫性的
  hanging out with sb. 和某人玩耍
  expand one’s horizon 扩大视野
  push your boundaries 挑战自己的底线
  1.写出这段录音的主要内容: 关于 This recording is about how we can reduce prejudice and discrimination by recategorizing. Recategorizing is ….
  2. 写出三种解决办法: The first method is to have controlled processing, this means to train yourself to be more mindful with people that are different from you. The second method involves being open-minded and try not to make a conclusion without much evidence to do so. The third method is to improve group contact in order to hang out with different people, increase your exposure to people you don’t normally meet.
  3. 结论:(如果前面miss掉了某一项) In conclusion, to minimize prejudice and discrimination require us to expand our horizons, do new things and push your boundaries.










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