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学习经验 雅思 https://www.jiaoyubao.cn/ | 手机站

2019年11月09日 16:22:51


  Nowadays, many people do not feel safe either when they are at home or go out. What are the reasons and what can be done to solve this problem.
  In some countries, young people are not only richer but also safer and healthier than ever before. However, they are less happy. What do you think are the causes of this? What solutions can you suggest?
  雅思写作高分密码: 1. 题目为中心:明确回答问题;清晰论证问题 2. 逻辑为纲要:清晰的谋篇布局 3. 词汇为亮点:选择个性,精准,多元的词汇 4. 句型为基础:选择符合学术性论文写作的句型 分析问题解决问题类谋篇布局: 首段:背景介绍 问题影响 (对于个人,家庭,社会) 写作目的(表达分析问题和解决问题) 二段 :三个原因的展开(社会原因,家庭原因,个人原因) 三段 。三个解决方法的展开(,企业,家庭,媒体,个人) 尾段: 亮明观点 总结理由 作家立场:本文的写作目的就是讨论下现代人安全感缺失的根源以及提出相关的解决策略。
  思路拓展: 1. 社会原因:犯罪还没有得到比较有效的控制;夜归的女性可能遭遇侵害或者骚扰。同时,很多人缺乏心理的安全感。 2. 社会原因:现在,工作竞争很激烈,人们不时面对失业的风险,很多心理上没有安全感。 3. 个人原因:性格差异,有人天性就是杞人忧天,喜欢担忧未来,例如,疾病,失业,等。对于这样的人而言,他们快乐和安全指数相对较低。 解决策略: 1. 如何作为:应该加强立法,加大对于惯性犯罪者的处罚力度,同时,个人应该提高自我保护意识。 2. 企业如何作为:企业应该给职员提供更多的经济鼓励和精神安慰,例如,分给职员股份或者明确退休金计划就是很好的例证。 3. 个人如何作为:对于天性疑虑的人而言,个人应该努力调整心态,活在当下,享受人生。
  Alarmingly,a number of modern people lack the sense of security due to various reasons, which really exerts an adverse impact on ones happiness index and the harmony of the society. This essay aims to examine the reasons why some people suffer from the declined sense of safety and then present relevant recommendations.
  解析: really exerts an adverse impact on
  施加不良的影响 二段:三个原因的展开:社会原因 家庭原因 个人原因

  The potential reasons of peoples decreased security index are manifold. First, it might be owed to the increased rate of criminalities. Specifically, some anti-social offences have not be effectivelycontrolled. For example, some females might encounter infringement of assault. Secondly, thepsychological insecurity among many modern people is the result of fierce competition and potential risk of unemployment. Currently, with the ever-accelerated development of high-tech and constant of knowledge, work today is more challenging than it used to be. Therefore, the pressure ofmaintaining a stable career deprives many peoples sense of security. Last, the differences inpersonality account for why some people always have idle fears. Some young adults, in nature, usually tend to worry about illness, unemployment, bankruptcy. Imaginably, as for those people, their safety index is comparatively speaking low.
  解析:encounter infringement of assault v 遭遇到侵犯和攻击 解析:deprives many peoples sense of security v剥夺了一些人的安全感 解析:some people always have idle fears 一些人总是杞人忧天 解析:safety index is comparatively speaking low. 安全指数相对较低 三段:问题解决的策略:如何作为 企业如何作为 个人如何作为; In order to enhance modern peoples sense of security,several methods should be adopted. First, the government should be urged to enact relevant legislations to severely punish those habitual law-breakers. At the same time, every individual need to raise their awareness of self-protection awareness. Also, efforts should be made by relevant enterprises to provide their employees more economicincentive and mental consolation. To render company stocks, retirement pension plans to their workerscan serve as perfect example. Lastly, it is the unshakable obligation of every individual, especially those anxious person, to adjust their mentalities, to live at the moment and to enjoy current life. 解析:the government should be urged to enact relevant legislations to severely punish 应该制定立法严厉处罚 解析:economic incentive and mental consolation. 经济鼓励和精神安慰 解析:it is the unshakable obligation of every individual to do sth 做是人人有责 尾段:总结立场:强调协调努力 In closing, it is no easy task to maintain a peaceful and delighted state of mind. Every method I recommended has its unique merits, therefore, joint efforts should be made by the government, thecorporations and every one of us.







