

学习经验 雅思 https://www.jiaoyubao.cn/ | 手机站

2019年11月16日 08:46:43


  This story is from one of those fake news websites that float about on social media. And you aren't the only one to get taken in– even serious news channels report these types of stories as if they were true.你刚才读的就是社交媒体上假新闻网站传播的消息之一。而且你不是上当的那个人。甚至一些严肃的新闻频道也在报道这类新闻,就好像这是真的一样。
  read a traditional print newspaper阅读传统的纸质报纸
  The thing is, if you read a traditional print newspaper like I do, you'd find stories that are more reliable.如果你像我一样阅读传统的纸质报纸,你会发现可信度较高的值得信赖的新闻。
  feel the pinch经济困窘
  Hmm. It is true that print newspapers are feeling the pinch these days.纸媒如今确实正面临着经济困窘的情况,即赚不到足够的钱。
  distinguish a real story from a fake one辨别新闻的真伪
  That is, it can be hard to distinguish a real story from a fake one – given the mass of information available on the web.那就是网络上存在的大量信息,而我们却很难辨别新闻的真伪。
  flip through pages翻好几页
  Well, you can access news 24/7 – and search for it on your phone or tablet without having to flip through pages of stuff you aren't interested in.你每周24小时都能看到新闻,可以通过手机或平板上搜索新闻,要想避免不感兴趣的新闻也不用翻好几页。
  local journalist当地的记者
  It doesn't matter whether your local journalist produces news on a tablet, on a mobile phone, in print, online, on television, or on radio.究竟当地的记者是在平板电脑,手机,纸媒,网络,电视还是广播上发表新闻,这都不重要。
  a diversity of journalism新闻的多样性
  What matters is that there should be a diversity of journalism available重要的是可获取新闻的多样性.
  do an honest objective job提供真实客观的东西

  And that it should be provided by professional reporters whose job is to do an honest objective job, impartially, in the public interest, not simply to rant or express opinions.重要的是专业记者能够提供真实客观的新闻,不偏不倚,涉及大众利益,而不是单单是发泄情绪或者是表达观点。
  with circulation falling dramatically随着发行量急剧下降
  And with circulation falling dramatically, they need to find other ways to make newspapers pay.而随着发行量急剧下降,整个纸媒行业需要通过其他办法来盈利。
  reach a wider and more targeted audience所覆盖的目标群体范围更广泛
  Yes, but many advertisers are choosing to use digital platforms because they reach a wider and more targeted audience.是的,但很多广告商都选择数字化平台,因为这样所覆盖的目标群体范围更广泛。







