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学习经验 SSAT https://www.jiaoyubao.cn/ | 手机站

2019年10月17日 21:28:43


  Types of Analogy
  Analogy is a comparison between two things, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification. SSAT Analogies test students’ ability to determine the relationship between words.
  Analogy of Associated Location:
  Definition:Analogy of Associated Location is an analogy in which an X (an action, an object, a person, etc.) is located in a Y (a place, or context).
  Example:Prosecute is to courtroom as compete is to arena: Courtroom is a location for prosecution as arena is a location for competition.
  1.Alley is to buildings as
  a. attic is to roofs
  b. atrium is to skylights
  c. avenue is to cars
  d. aisle is to seats
  e. grove is to trees
  2.Arboretum is to trees as
  a. zoo is to range
  b. greenhouse is to garden
  c. aviary is to birds
  d. grove is to forest
  e. museum is to painters
  3.Bison is to plain as cougar is to
  a. desert
  b. valley
  c. crest
  d. mountain
  e. bay
  4.Silo is to wheat as
  a. fork is to road
  b. warehouse is to merchandise
  c. missile is to bomb
  d. pod is to whales
  e. tractor is to plough
  5.Rock is to quarry as
  a. rust is to iron
  b. coal is to mine
  c. pan is to gold
  d. metal mis to alloy
  e. water is to ice
  6.Hangar is to plane as garage is to
  a. steak
  b. runway
  c. oil
  d. automobile
  e. house
  7.Pistol is to holster as knife is to
  a. sheath
  b. club
  c. rifle
  d. weapon
  e. cutlery
  8.Plane is to air pocket as
  a. vehicle is to rut
  b. hangar is to airport
  c. ground is to spot
  d. safety is to danger
  e. is to ship

  9.Bee is to hive as cub is to
  a. cage
  b. stable
  c. nest
  d. cave
  e. den
  10.Star is to sky as
  a. mountain is to valley
  b. cloud is to sun
  c. fish is to ocean
  d. dream is to sleep
  e. fit is to shoe
  Answer Key & Explanation
  1. D (Analogy of Associated Location)
  Alley is a pathway that usually runs behind, between, or within buildings; aisle is a pathway that runs between seats.
  2. C (Analogy of Associated Location)
  Arboretum is a botanical garden where trees are planted; aviary is a large cage where birds are kept.
  3. D (Analogy of Associated Location)
  Bison live in plains; cougars live in mountains.
  4. B (Analogy of Associated Location)
  A silo is a place to hold wheat; a warehouse is a place to hold merchandise.
  5. B (Analogy of Associated Location)
  Rock is extracted from a quarry (a deep place from which materials are extracted); coal is extracted from a mine.
  6. D (Analogy of Associated Location)
  Hangar is a large building for housing planes; garage is a place for housing automobiles.
  7. A (Analogy of Associated Location)
  A pistol is carried in a holster; a knife is carried in a sheath.
  8. A (Analogy of Associated Location)
  Air pocket is a cavity of low pressure that makes the flight bumpy; rut is a long deep track that is indicative of a vehicle’s repeated passage.
  9. E (Analogy of Associated Location)
  Bees live in a hive; cubs live in a den.
  10. C (Analogy of Associated Location)
  Sky is the place for stars; ocean is the place for fish.
  For best, for your dream.








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