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学习经验 雅思 https://www.jiaoyubao.cn/ | 手机站

2019年09月29日 13:10:42


  Well, needless to say, this is a very interesting topic for me to talk about. I guess for most of my fellow countrymen the sky would be a clear, blue sky plumped with a couple of silver-white clouds. However, that is not the sky I’m gonna to describe and the sky I’d like to depict is a sky shrouded with heavy grey clouds, with thunders and bolts of lightening. The reason why I’d love to see is based on my knowledge about how this world works. It is quite understandable that a clear blue sky is always preferred coz it never fails to cheer a saddened soul up, warming us with all the sunshine, cooling us with breeze. Yet I don’t think that feeling can delight us long and I’m sure sooner or later most of us would be fed up with a long succession of clear days and it’s human nature to expect change, even a bad one. Under such sky, I would be trying my best to have a close observation of how those clouds move and swirl and float, dropping to the earth in the form of rain drops of different sizes. Lightening comes previous to thunders and this natural wonder is emblematic in itself. There’re signs before something big happens. They serve as a warning to this world and we humans should treat the nature with great awe and we humans should never take everything from nature for granted. If we fail to protect this planet, the environment we are living in, it’ll be only a matter of time before we get punished by nature. So this can be a little bit philosophical and I like to think differently. So.....
  A film I’d like to share

  Well, the film I’d like to share is the Pursuit of Happyness, which is a motivational film produced by Hollywood. The protagonist, Chris, a salesman who makes a living by selling a medical instrument, bone-scanner, has done a very good job in this movie, which never fails to cheer me up when I’m at times of failures or setbacks. For years, I’ve recommended it to almost every person who has come to me for guidance or encouragement, most of whom are my students. The plots of this film are simple. Christopher is a black American, living happily with his wife and son in a rented apartment. He signs a contract with a company manufacturing pharmaceutical appliances and based on the contract, he acts as the sole agent of this company. With all of his savings, he purchased a large batch of such machines in advance, dreaming of making big money from this bet. Unfortunately, his selling job does not go well within the initial one or two months, not a single one has been sold. Yet all the bills are due and he kind of goes broke and his wife deserted him at this time, leaving him struggling to make ends meet with his son. An accidental encounter with a broker on the street lets him realize that to be a broker might be a good choice, thus lifting him out of this dilemma. But it requires a lot to become a broker. First, he was not well-educated, and also, the internship a financial firm offers does not pay. All these mean that to be a broker is a pipe dream. But he rises to his feet, overcoming all the difficulties. During the internship, he has to work extra hours to sell the remaining bone scanners to cover the daily expenses. Once he has to sell his blood to get money for sustenance. Yet all these efforts pay off in the end. He gets the job, the only one to be employed among all 50 interns. The role of this film in my life is truly unbelievable so I’d continue to share it with whoever’s gonna to be my friend.







