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2019年11月15日 18:49:38


  2017年1月7日的真题:You are helping to select a leader for a student organization or a group. Do you think a person's honest is the most important characteristic for being a leader?
  2017年5月6日的真题:It is impossible to always be completely honest with your friends?
  Under normal circumstances, passengers are not allowed to enter the cockpit of a flight so as to ensure the safety of the pilots, the result of which, unfortunately, triggers a problem that passengers would feel upset since they remain in the dark, not knowing what is happening behind the steering wheel. They may feel that the airline is not honest with them, do not trust them, and in turn, they will not trust the airline, either. Yet, provided that the door of the cockpit is open to all passengers aboard, the noise from the cabin, even some violent actions when the flight encounters some delay, would, undoubtedly, disrupt the pilots who need concentration more than anyone, therefore leading to even more insecurity on the flight.
  观点:honesty is not necessary
  论点:honesty is not only anunnecessary characteristics, but also a dangerous one which will imposerisks onthe group.例子:It would be much easier to understand if we compare the company to an airline. Under normal circumstances, passengers are not allowed to enter the cockpit of a flight so as to ensure the safety of the pilots, the result of which, unfortunately, triggers a problem that passengers would feel upset since they remain in the dark, not knowing what is happening behind the steering wheel. They may feel that the airline is not honest with them, do not trust them, and in turn, they will not trust the airline, either. Yet, provided that the door of the cockpit is open to all passengers aboard, the noise from the cabin, even some violent actions when the flight encounters some delay, would, undoubtedly, disrupt the pilots who need concentration more than anyone, therefore leading to even more insecurity on the flight.The cockpit is theleader of a flight. When leaders make decisions, they need to calm down and analyze various possibilities and results. If they make their decision-making process public, it is inevitable that someone will disagree with it, which will lead to some improper behaviors, such as strike, and losses of the company.Therefore, in terms of risk reduction, leaders should not show their honesty to their employees completely, thus verifying my claim that honesty is far from a necessary trait of an effective leader.
  2017年5月6日的真题:It is impossible to always be completely honest with your friends?
  Complete honesty withone's friends will impose danger to the friendship.It would be much easier to understandif we compare the relationship between two personsto an airline.Under normal circumstances, passengers are not allowed to enter the cockpit of a flight so as to ensure the safety of the pilots, the result of which, unfortunately, triggers a problem that passengers would feel upset since they remain in the dark, not knowing what is happening behind the steering wheel. They may feel that the airline is not honest with them, do not trust them, and in turn, they will not trust the airline, either. Yet, provided that the door of the cockpit is open to all passengers aboard, the noise from the cabin, even some violent actions when the flight encounters some delay, would, undoubtedly, disrupt the pilots who need concentration more than anyone, therefore leading to even more insecurity on the flight.The cockpit is you. When youare poundering over something, youneed to calm down and analyze various possibilities and results. If you make your decision-making process public, it is inevitable that your friend will disagree with it, which will lead to some improper behaviors, such as arguments, and deteriorationof the company.Therefore, in terms of risk reduction, friendsshould not show their honesty to each othercompletely, thus verifying my claim that honesty is far from a necessary trait of a healthy relationship.










