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雅思写作短文练习分享 雅思阅读

学习经验 雅思 https://www.jiaoyubao.cn/ | 手机站

2019年08月31日 08:42:12

雅思写作短文练习分享,考场上总有‘时间不够’的幻觉,审了题,紧张而刺激地 OUTLINE 之后就仓促‘上马’。然后,写着写着,隐隐约约记得要反驳一下,搞个让步反驳段,以彰显辩证思维……

  雅思写作短文练习分享,考场上总有‘时间不够’的幻觉,审了题,紧张而刺激地 OUTLINE 之后就仓促‘上马’。然后,写着写着,隐隐约约记得要反驳一下,搞个让步反驳段,以彰显辩证思维……
  Online shoppingis replacing the shop in stores. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
  It is undeniable that online shopping has become a mainstream way of consumption and modern people have been rewarded a lot. This is commonly because there is a wider selection of goods for consumers to choose from. Based on that, people can compare the price of targeted counterparts horizontally shuttling among stores in a short time only to find bargain. However, having been in the habit of this way,

  consumers have their payment switched online. There is potential cyber insecurity. Transaction via electronic account calls for filling in personal information, which offers a chance for criminals to invade. It is worsening that a few illegal websites are edited as it creditable and promoted to users by dangerous persons. In this case, once encountering one, people would be deceived and even defrauded.

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