
雅思阅读配对题该如何解答 雅思学习

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2019年08月19日 18:14:55


  Reading Passage 1 has seven paragraphs, A-G.
  Choose the correct heading for each paragraph from the list of headings below.
  Drag the correct number, i-ix, into boxes 1-7 on your answer sheet.
  i. The search for the reasons for an increase in population
  ii. Industrialisation and the fear of unemployment
  iii. The development of cities in Japan
  iv. The time and place of the Industrial Revolution
  v. The cases of Holland, France and China
  vi. Changes in drinking habits in Britain
  vii. Two keys to Britain's industrial revolution
  viii. Conditions required for industrialisation
  ix. Comparisons with Japan lead to the answer
  1. 如果题目有示例,划掉例子中所选择的的答案,并在相应段落前做标记。
  2. 通读剩余的标题,画出关键词。
  3. 通读段落(主题信息,高频词汇)----首尾段可以重点读,但不是**。
  4. 对比标题关键词和该段落核心思想,正确答案多为段落主题句的同义替换。
  俗话说,光说不练假把式,咱们配合着一些解题技巧,把剑桥10 Test2 Passage1 茶的历史发展这篇削皮标题配对拿来练手。首先,咱们浏览一下题目:
  Reading Passage 1 has seven paragraphs, A-G.
  Choose the correct heading for each paragraph from the list of headings below.
  Drag the correct number, i-ix, into boxes 1-7 on your answer sheet.
  i. The search for the reasons for an increase in population
  ii. Industrialisation and the fear of unemployment
  iii. The development of cities in Japan
  iv. The time and place of the Industrial Revolution
  v. The cases of Holland, France and China
  vi. Changes in drinking habits in Britain
  vii. Two keys to Britain's industrial revolution
  viii. Conditions required for industrialisation
  ix. Comparisons with Japan lead to the answer
  这道题没有示例,所以刚才介绍的武功秘籍一、步就可以忽略了,此时咱们直接跳到第二步,通读标题,画出关键词。我们以iv这道题为例, iv. The time and place of the Industrial Revolution 这个标题我们画出的关键词是time, place。教大家一个小诀窍,一般来说这种比较抽象的词比如time,place在同义替换的过程中会被具体化,也就是会转化成某一个具体的时间点和地点,所以我们就可以做一个答案的预判,在读文章的时候多留心。
  这道题没有示例,所以刚才介绍的武功秘籍一、步就可以忽略了,此时咱们直接跳到第二步,通读标题,画出关键词。我们以iv这道题为例, iv. The time and place of the Industrial Revolution 这个标题我们画出的关键词是time, place。教大家一个小诀窍,一般来说这种比较抽象的词比如time,place在同义替换的过程中会被具体化,也就是会转化成某一个具体的时间点和地点,所以我们就可以做一个答案的预判,在读文章的时候多留心。
  接下来从文章的一、段开始读,文章的一、段较短,Alan Macfarlane, professor of anthropological science at Kings College, Cambridge, has, like other historians, spent decades wrestling with the enigma of the Industrial Revolution. Why did this particular Big Bang - the world-changing birth of industry - happen in Britain? And why did it strike at the end of the 18th century?
  我们可以全文通读。在这里,主语是Alan Macfarlane,professor of anthropological science at Kings College, Cambridge其实是同位语,进一步解释说明Alan Macfarlane的身份和地位,所以真正的谓语动词是has spent。一、句话读完,我们发现没有单词可以和小标题段落里的关键词进行同义替换,所以继续阅读第二句话Why did this particular Big Bang - the world-changing birth of industry - happen in Britain? And why did it strike at the end of the 18th century? 这两句是并列疑问,this particular Big Bang其实指的就是前面的Industrial Revolution(工业),后面的happen in Britain以及strike at the end of the 18th century其实就已经点明了工业发生的place(Britain)和time(at the end of the 18th century),这样的同义替换也符合我们之前的分析,即抽象名词的同义替换可能会被具体化。



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