
买礼物和试衣服简单实用英语分享 英语练习

学习经验 实用英语 https://www.jiaoyubao.cn/ | 手机站

2019年08月01日 21:33:19


  一、Dialogue 会话
  Part A
  A: Can you help me, please?
  B: Sure. What can I do foryou?
  A: I'm looking for a gift for my son's birthday.
  B: How about this video game?
  A: That's a good idea. Can you gift-wrap it, please?
  B: Sure. No problem.
  Part B
  A: Excuse me. Do you have a blue dress my size?
  B: I think so. Let me take your measurements.
   OK. How about this dress over here?
  A: Do you have a fitting room?
  B: It's in the corner over there.
  A: Thank you.
  B: You're welcome.
  二、Vocabulary & Idioms 单词短语注解
  teenager青少年 lousy[?la?zi]很差劲的
  gift-wrap something 把XXX包装成礼物
  wrap[r?p]vt. 包;缠绕;用…包裹(或包扎、覆盖等);掩护
  n.膝毯,披肩,围巾,围脖,头巾,罩衫,外套,大衣; 包装纸;
  I think not.
  Got (have) a nice voice.
  she can be (she can make) a singer.
  That dress fits you.那套洋装适合你。
  Please wrap the baby in a blanket [?bl??k?t]. 毛毯
  I feel blue today.我今天感觉心情不大好。
  三、Grammar Points 语法重点
  1、Can you do me a favor please?
  =Can you give me a hand?
  I need to move this table over there, can you give me a hand?
  give sb a hand 帮助某人
  give sb a big hand ,给某人鼓掌
  Let me give you a hand(help you) with处理 the box, thanks a lot.
  Please help me with the work.
  Let's give the speaker a big hand.
  I am a chicken我是个胆小鬼
  I‘m chicken 我胆小

  2、I'm going to buy a necklace for my wife's birthday.
   =I'm going to buy a necklace as作为 my wife's birthday gift.
  I'll give my friend a book for her birthday.
  =I'll give my friend a book as her birthday gift.
  3、That sounds like a good idea.
   Sounds like a good idea.
   Good idea.
  Let's take(go for) a walk in the park, that’s a good idea.
  ma‘ma = madam 的简写
  Excuse me ma’am, can you tell me the way to the train station?
  We have a shirt your size.
  We don't have any shoes your size.
  I think that we have a blue dress in your size.
  4、Is this umbrella yours?
  I don't think so. 表示不同意,或者不以为然
  Are we going to be late? I don't think so.
  What's your waist measurement?
  If you want to have a tailor-made suit, the tailor must take your measurements.
  5、John is standing here. I see a man there.
  The book(省略which) you are looking for is over here.
  Jack is next to the door over there. 杰克在那边门旁
  In the corner.室内角落里
  On the corner.空间外转角处
  Around the corner.角落附近。
  Helen is sitting in the corner of the room.
  What are you doing in the corner over there?
  There's a grocery['ɡro?s?r?]食品杂货店 store on the corner.
  Mary lives around the corner.
  Can you give me a hand with this heavy bag?
  I want to buy a pen as my friend's birthday gift.
  Excuse me madam, would you like to have a seat?
  Do you have this shirt in size six?
  Do you have the shirt my size?
  There's a bank just around the corner.
  Please stand up, I need to take your measurements.
  Maybe you should take my measurements.
  Peter,you need to go on a diet固定饮食.




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