
高频雅思小作文替换词分享 雅思考试

学习经验 雅思 https://www.jiaoyubao.cn/ | 手机站

2019年07月09日 17:59:46


  01 该表格展示了…
  The table reveals The table demonstrates The table shows The table depicts The table illustrates The table presents The table describes
  02 占... Comprise Take up Account for Constitute Make up Occupy
  03 必须得关注... It should be noted that It must be noted that It is to be noted that It is noticeable that
  04 从该表格中我们可以推导出… The table suggests that It can be concluded from the table that It is suggested from the table that As is suggested from the table As can be suggested from the table The table indicates that The information shown in the table indicates that The information shown in the table suggests that
  05 该图描述了有关...的信息 The chart gives information about sth. The chart gives information concerning sth. The chart gives information respecting sth. The chart gives information regarding sth. The chart offers information about sth. The chart offers information concerning sth. The chart offers information respecting sth. The chart offers information regarding sth. The chart provides information about sth. The chart provides information concerning sth. The chart provides information respecting sth. The chart provides information regarding sth.
  06 我们可以清楚地看出... We can see clearly that It can be seen clearly that
  07 与…相比 Compared with Compared to In comparison with By comparison with
  08 该柱状图展示了...的趋势 The bar chart shows the trends in The bar chart reveals the trends in The bar chart demonstrates the trends in The bar chart depicts the trends in The bar chart illustrates the trends in The bar chart presents the trends in The bar chart represents the trends in The bar chart describes the trends in
  09 该图展示了...的增长 The graph shows the increase in The graph depicts the increase in The graph presents the increase in The graph represents the increase in The graph reveals the increase in The graph demonstrates the increase in The graph illustrates the increase in The graph describes the increase in
  10 大约 Approximately Almost About Around Nearly Roughly
  11 增长至... Grow to Rise to Increase to Go up to Climb to Ascend to Jump to
  12 降低至... Dip to Fall to Decline to Decrease to Drop to Go down to Slump to Descend to Sink to Slide to
  13 急剧的增长 A dramatic rise A boom A dramatic increase A sharp rise A sharp increase A steep rise A steep increase A leap A sudden rise A marked increase A huge growth
  14 急剧地 Dramatically Drastically Sharply Hugely Enormously Steeply Substantially Considerably Significantly Markedly Surprisingly Strikingly Remarkably Vastly Noticeably
  15 缓慢地 Steadily Smoothly Slightly Slowly Marginally Gradually Moderately Mildly
  16 保持稳定 Level out do not change Remain stable Remain still Remain steady Be stable Maintain the same level Remain unchanged Be still Remain the same level Stay constant Keep at the same level Level off Keep its stability Even out

  17 起伏不定 Fluctuate Display a fluctuation
  18 与之相反 In contrast By contrast On the other hand On the contrary Conversely
  19 事实上 Practically In practice In reality In effect In fact As a matter of fact It is a fact that
  20 该地图给出有关...的信息 The map gives information about… The map offers information about… The map provides information about… The map gives information regarding… The map offers information regarding… The map provides information regarding… The map gives information respecting… The map offers information respecting… The map provides information respecting… The map gives information concerning… The map offers information concerning… The map provides information concerning…


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