
英语六级翻译真题及答案 英语四六级

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2019年07月31日 19:12:53


  成语(Chinese idioms)是汉语中的一种独特的表达方式,大多由四个汉字组成。它们高度简练且形式固定,但通常能形象地表达深刻的含义。成语大多来源于古代的文学作品,通常与某些神话、传说或者历史事件有关。如果不知道某个成语的出处,就很难理解其确切含义。因此,学习成语有助于人们更好地理解传统文化。成语在日常会话和文学创作中广泛使用。恰当使用成语可以使一个人的语言更具有表现力,交流更有效。
  Chinese idioms, mostly made up of four Chinese characters, is a unique expression in Chinese. Despite their high conciseness and regular form, they can usually vividly express profound meanings. Chinese idioms, mostly originating from literary works of ancient China, are usually related to some myths, legends or historical events. If one has no idea where Chinese idioms come from, it will be difficult for him to understand their precise meaning. Therefore, learning Chinese idioms helps people have a better understanding of Chinese traditional culture. Chinese idioms are widely used in the daily conversations and literary creation. Using them properly can enable one’s language more expressive, and thus make the communication more effective.
  (1) 成语(Chinese idioms)是汉语中的一种独特的表达方式,大多由四个汉字组成。
  【解析】考查一主多动词的翻译:同一个主语“成语”有两个动词“是”和“由…组成”,可以将“由组成”处理为非谓语动词。独特的:unique;表达方式:expression;由…组成:be made up of;汉字:Chinese character
  【译文】Chinese idioms, mostly made up of four Chinese characters, is a unique expression in Chinese.
  【解析】考查逻辑关系:前后句有明显的让步转折关系。“高度简练”和“形式固定”可以统一处理为名词词性:high conciseness and regular form;形象地:vividly;深刻含义:profound meaning
  【译文】Despite their high conciseness and regular form, they can usually vividly express profound meanings.
  【解析】考查一主多动词的翻译:同一个主语“成语”有两个动词“来源于”和“与…有关”,可以将“来源于”处理为非谓语动词;来源于:originate from;文学作品:literature;古代:ancient China;神话:myth;传说:legend;历史事件:historical event;与…有关:be related to
  【译文】Chinese idioms, mostly originating from literary works of ancient China, are usually related to some myths, legends or historical events.

  【解析】考查缺主语的翻译,可补上“one”;“某个成语的出处”可译为“where a Chinese idiom comes from”;考查it作形式主语的句型:“很难理解”译为 it is difficult for us to understand;确切含义:precise meaning
  【译文】If one has no idea where Chinese idioms come from, it will be difficult for him to understand their precise meaning.
  【解析】考查动名词作主语的翻译;更好理解:have a better understanding of ;传统文化: Chinese traditional culture
  【参考答案】Therefore, learning Chinese idioms helps people have a better understanding of Chinese traditional culture.
  【解析】考查被动结构:“广泛使用”译为:be widely used;日常会话:daily conversation;文学创作:literary creation
  【参考答案】Chinese idioms are widely used in the daily conversation and the literary creation.
  【解析】考查动名词作主语的翻译:“恰当使用成语”译为using them properly;有表现力的:expressive;交流:communication;有效的:effective 【参考答案】Using them properly can enable one’s language more expressive, and thus make the communication more effective.


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