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六级作文范文之致人力经理的信 六级备考

学习经验 四级六级考试 https://www.jiaoyubao.cn/ | 手机站

2019年07月07日 21:25:00


  A Letter to the HR Manager
  Dear Manager, I’m one of the candidates who haveapplied for the internship in your company.
  I’m glad to have received your offer.
  Here I’d like to express my gratitude to you andyour company sincerely.
  As far as I am concerned, the offer is far more thana simplex internship opportunity.
  It’s particularly meaningful to me in the followingaspects.
  First of all, after years of study I can finally put mytheoretical knowledge into practice.
  By doing so, I feel my individual values will be fully embodied.
  Secondly, during my internship period, I’ll meet many well-experienced colleagues.
  And they can teach me valuable experience which can’t be acquired from textbooks.
  Thirdly, it goes without saying that this internship experience will benefit my future job-hunting, as many recruiters are seeking for experienced employees.
  All in all, I will cherish this precious internship opportunity and spare no efforts tocontribute my humble strength to the company.

  Please accept my sincerest appreciation for your offer and best wishes for your company.
  I’ll prove my worth through hard work.
  Yours faithfully,Mike


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