
GMAT语法笔记资料整理分享 GMAT考试

学习经验 GMAT https://www.jiaoyubao.cn/ | 手机站

2019年08月16日 10:11:50


  1. By merging its two publishing divisions, the company will increase their share of the country’s $21 billion book market from 6 percent to 10 percent, a market ranging from obscure textbooks to mass-market paperbacks. A.their share of the country’s $21 billion book market from 6 percent to 10 percent, a market ranging B.from 6 percent to 10 percent its share of the $21 billion book market in the country, which ranges C.to 10 percent from 6 percent in their share of the $21 billion book market in the country, a market ranging D.in its share, from 6 percent to 10 percent, of the $21 billion book market in the country, which ranges E.to 10 percent from 6 percent its share of the country’s $21 billion book market, which ranges
  1. 短语倒装结构 increase to B A bring to B A cite as B A prefer to B A insert into B A
  2. which不能指代一个句子,只能指名词。

  2. A recent review of pay scales indicates that CEO’s now earn an average of 419 times more pay than blue-collar workers, compared to a ratio of 42 times in 1980. A.that CEO’s now earn an average of 419 times more pay than blue-collar workers, compared to a ratio of 42 times B.that, on average, CEO’s now earn 419 times the pay of blue-collar workers, a ratio that compares to 42 times C.that, on average, CEO’s now earn 419 times the pay of blue-collar workers, as compared to 42 times their pay, the ratio D.CEO’s who now earn on average 419 times more pay than blue-collar workers, as compared to 42 times their pay, the ratio E.CEO’s now earning an average of 419 times the pay of blue-collar workers, compared to the ratio of 42 times


GMAT写作常用句式整理分享   GMAT考试


GMAT写作常用句式整理分享 GMAT考试

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