
英语六级真题需要仔细阅读 英语四六级报名

学习经验 四级六级考试 https://www.jiaoyubao.cn/ | 手机站

2019年08月28日 18:43:25


  46.What may famers be able to do with robots appearing on the farming scene? 答案:B—enjoy more leisure hours
  47.What will ‘farmrobots‘ be expected to do? 答案:A—Take up many of the farmer’s routines.
  48.What can robots do when equipped with high-tech sensors and complex learning algorithms? 答案:B—Help farmers simplify their farming tasks and managements.
  49.Why are farmers pressing for robotic farming? 答案:D—Labor shortage is worsening.

  50. What dose the author thin future farms will be like? 答案:A—More and more automated. 第二篇: 科学家和民众之间的沟通以及对于科普的影响 51.What does the example of climate change serve to show? 答案:D—Common folks’ scientific knowledge can sway police making.
  52.What should non-scientists do to ensure their quality of life? 答案:B—Acquire a basic understanding of medical science.
  53. Why is it important for scientists to build a good relation with the media? 答案:A—It helps them to effectively popularize new scientific information. 54.What does the author say is the problem with science journalism? 答案:C—It may give inaccurate or distorted information to the public.
  55. What should scientists do to impart their latest findings to the public more effectively? 答案:D—Improve their communication skills.

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