
商务英语口译之跨文化语用错误分享 简单英语

学习经验 剑桥英语 https://www.jiaoyubao.cn/ | 手机站

2019年06月20日 16:45:18


  摘要:This thesis probes into the pragmatic failures occurring in business interpretation,with the aim to reduce pragmatic failures in interpretation and thus obtain successfulcommunication among all business parties.
  Chapter One Introduction
  1.1 Research Background
  With the rapid development of the world economy, China has been strengtheningits economic tie with the world in international business activities such as foreigntrade, investment, finance and so on. In general, these activities are carried out in theform of international conferences, business negotiations. Since English has not beenuniversally used in these activities, the role of business interpretation in cross-culturalcommunication is becoming increasingly crucial. Therefore, the demand for businessinterpreters, who are proficient in two languages,
  is growing. As a cultural link andmediator, business interpreters play a vital role in the successful communication ofbusiness negotiations between two business parties from different nations. This is thereason why business interpretation has been chosen as a research topic.However, the research on interpretation has been traditionally confined to thestudy of language and interpretation skills for a very long time. Vocabulary, grammarand interpretation skills such as note-taking, segmenting, memorizing are the topconcerns for interpreter training. Interpretation, as an activity of cross-culturalcommunication, is the transmission of source language into target language, as well asthe transmission of source culture into target culture. Quite often, the cultural andpragmatic factors in interpretation are neglected. In business interpretation,
  interpreters tend to make a variety of pragmatic failures for lack of cross-culturalawareness and pragmatic competence, which may lead to cross-culturalcommunication breakdown and even failure in business negotiation. Therefore, thestudy of cross-cultural pragmatic failures in business interpretation deserves our fullattention.
  1.2 Research Objectives and Significance
  This thesis probes into the pragmatic failures occurring in business interpretation,with the aim to reduce pragmatic failures in interpretation and thus obtain successfulcommunication among all business parties. This thesis tries to show that apart from excellent linguistic competence,
  a qualified interpreter should also have excellentcommunicative competence, pragmatic competence and acute cross-culturalawarenessAfter analyzing the examples as well as the causes of pragmatic failures inbusiness interpretation, the author will put forward some tentative strategies forreducing cross-cultural pragmatic failures so that business interpreters can adopt infuture business interpretation to ensure smooth and effective commmication.Besides,some interpreter training suggestions will be offered which can benefit futureinterpreter training so as to cultivate more qualified business interpreters.
  Chapter Two Literature Review
  2,1 Pragmatics Theories
  In 1983, Jeimy Thomas put forward the concept of pragmatic failure in herarticle Cross-cultural Pragmatic Failure in the journal of Applied Linguistics, Itserves as a theoretic framework for the study of cross-cultural pragmatic failure aswell as the causes. In the article,she gives the term "pragmatic failure" to "theinability to understand what is meant by what is said” (1983: 91) and classified it intotwo types pragmalinguistic failure and sociolinguistic failure. As a very importantarea of cross-cultural communication breakdown, Thomas points out that pragmaticfailure has occurred on any occasion on which H(hearer) perceives the force of S,s(speaker's) utterance as other than S (speaker) intended s/he should perceive‘ it(1983:94).Thomas advises to use the term "pragmatic failure,, rather than "pragmatic error"because "It's legitimate to speak of grammatical error, since grammaticality can bejudged according to prescriptive rules (prescriptive for language-teaching purposes, atleast),whereas pragmatic competence,as Candlin has observed,'entails probablerather than categorical rules.' The nature of pragmatic ambivalence is such that it isnot possible to say that the pragmatic force of an utterance is 'wrong'. All we can sayis that it failed to achieve the speak过’s goal" (Thomas,1983:94).
  2.2 Interpretation Studie
  2.2.1 Definition of Interpretation
  It is essential to first make a distinction between interpretation and translationthough both terms refer to the act of producing the most equivalent text of the sourcelanguage in the target language. The word "interpret" derives from Latin word"interpres". Gile(1983:12) defines interpretation as "an oral translation of oraldiscourse,
  ,and Zhong Shukong(1999:1) defines it as "an extempore oral production,in one language, of what is said in another language". Frishberg( 1990:18) has pointedout that "interpretation refers to the process of changing messages produced in onelanguage immediately into another language" and distinguish interpretation fromtranslation with the defining characteristic of "the live and immediate transmission".By definition,it is reasonable to say that interpretation, or interpreting is an oral wayof translation. To interpret is to convert something spoken in one language intoanother language immediately and accurately so as to achieve efficient and successfulcommunication among people speaking different languages.
  Chapter Three Cross-cultural Pragmatic Failures.........16
  3.1 Research Methodology........ 16
  3.1.1 Data Collection........ 16
  3.1.2 Data Analysis........ 16
  3.2 Types of Pragmatic Failures in Business Interpretation........ 17
  3.3 Causes of Pragmatic Failures in Business Interpretation........ 33
  3.3.1 Different Thinking Modes........ 33
  3.3.2 Different Value Orientation........ 34
  3.3.3 Neglect of the Context ........ 35
  Chapter Four Tentative Strategies for Reducing Cross-cultural........38
  4.1 Improving Interpreter's Cross-cultural Awareness........ 38
  4.1.1 The Importance of Cross-cultural Awareness ........38
  4.1.2 Ways to Improve Interpreter's Cross-cultural Awareness........ 39
  4.2 Improving Interpreter's Pragmatic Competence ........ 40
  4.2.1 Linguistic Competence and Pragmatic Competence ........40
  4.2.2 Communicative Competence and Pragmatic Competence........ 42
  Chapter Five Conclusion ........ 44
  5.1 Major Findings of the Study........ 44
  5.2 Implications of the Study........ 45
  5.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Further Study........ 46
  Chapter Four Tentative Strategies for Reducing Cross-cultural Pragmatic Failures in Business Interpretation? .
  4.1 Improving Interpreter's Cross-cultural Awareness
  Language and culture are interwoven with each other in cross-cultural communication. Language is the carrier of culture and language is 汪 component ofculture. Interpretation is an act of cross-cultural communication. In cross-culturalbusiness interpretation, the interpreter is faced with the difficulty to transmit both thelanguage and culture for two business parties with different cultural backgrounds.Therefore,,

  the interpreter plays an essential role in business negotiations. The function. of the interpreter can be depicted as a bridge connecting the different languages andcultures in the business setting.R.Taft emphasizes the importance interpreter's cultural competence and definesthe interpreter as "a cultural mediator”
  . According to him, a cultural mediator is aperson who facilitates communication, understanding and action betweencommunities with different cultures and languages. Served as a cultural link, theinterpreter must have not only bilingual ability but also a "bilingual vision". That is tosay, besides having proficient bilingual ability, a qualified interpreter must always beaware of the culture of both the source language and the target language and try toconnect or bridge over the gap between the two different cultures.
  Under the guidance of Thomas's theory of cross-cultural pragmatic failure, thisthesis is a tentative study on cross-cultural pragmatic failures in businessinterpretation carried out from the perspectives of pragmatics and cross-culturalcommunication. The thesis starts from reviewing the relevant literatures and theorieson interpretation, pragmatics and pragmatic failure, and then analyzes the examples ofpragmatic failures occurring in business interpretation collected from realinterpretation audio/video records, business English textbooks as well asinterpretation textbooks.
  Different pragmatic failures are classified with specificexamples and reasons of pragmatic failure are explored. Finally, some tentativestrategies are suggested to reduce pragmatic failures. Based on the previous analysisand discussions,this chapter will summarize the major finding in this research andthen point out the implication of this study. Finally limitation and suggestions forfurther study will be offered.
  Reference (omitted)




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