
雅思英语图表题词汇分享 雅思阅读

学习经验 雅思 https://www.jiaoyubao.cn/ | 手机站

2019年04月15日 13:26:45


  1. 改写原句
  2. 须含有对图表的总趋势的概括
  3. 展开具体论述 (2-3 个相关的 comparisons)
  4-图表题中 动词 副词的搭配使用:
  -表 示 上 升:increase, go up, rise, etc. (soar, rocket 则不需要副词)
  -表示下降:decrease, decline, go down, drop, etc. (plummet, plunge 则不需要副词)
  -程度副词:dramatically, significantly, sharply, moderately, slightly, a little bit, steadily, gradually, noticeably
  reach the peak (达到巅峰)
  drop to a recold low (达到历史低谷)
  plateau (长期高位状态)
  resepectively (用于列举,各自地)
  approxiamately (大约)
  closely followed by (紧跟其后的是)
  fluctuate (波动)
  IELTS Book 1, 2 test 7 Task 1 p.71.
  The chart below shows how frequently people in the USA ate in fast food restaurants between 2003 and 2013.
  Sample Writing by Kn (留意谓语动词的时态)
  1-The bar chart illustrates the frequency of Americans who ate in fast food restaurants from the year 2003 to 2013. (改写原句)
  2-It is extremely obvious that people who ate fast food once a week and once or twice a month had the highest proportions among all the six categories, reaching an average about 30% and 29% respectively, which was six times of that of people who never ate in fast food restaurants.

  3-In 2006, the figure of people who went to fast food restaurants once a week reached a peak at about 33%, then dropped to around28% seven years later. On the other hand, in 2013, the percentage of the people who ate in the fast food restaurants once or twice a month climbed to a record high (33%), which was double of the number of people who ate out there a few times a year.
  4-From the chart we could also see that during this decade there are less than 5% of American people who preferred to (or never) dined in fast food restaurants every day. The percentage of Americans who ate several times a week reached about 18% in average throughout this period, slightly higher than that of the Americans who ate out a few times a year.
  5-Overall, about two-thirds of Americans tended to have fast food once a week and once or twice a week during the decade. (总趋势)

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