
雅思写作真题解析 雅思备考

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2019年03月16日 12:51:28

2019年2月16日大陆考区的Task 2和上一次考题非常相似,有很多雅思考试思路都是相通的,但是本次考题也有很多值得注意的地方,详细的点评点击下面的音频收听。

  2019年2月16日大陆考区的Task 2和上一次考题非常相似,有很多雅思考试思路都是相通的,但是本次考题也有很多值得注意的地方,详细的点评点击下面的音频收听。
  Task 2题目:
  Nowadays, children spend too much time watching TV and playing computer games. Some people believe this has negative effects on children's mental abilities. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
  注意点:mental abilities必须具体化
  Body paragraph 1—children’s overuse of electronic devices can cause some mental health problems including depression, anxiety, mood disorders and suicidality.
  Body paragraph 2—However, popular science TV programs and puzzle games are beneficial to students’ intelligence development and boost their academic success to some extent.
  TV and computers are indispensable devices in every household. Inevitably, children are exposed to excessive use of such equipment. Certain individuals claim that the phenomenon causes detrimental effects on children’s mental growth, and I tend to agree with their opinion.
  It is clear that children’s overuse of electronic devices can cause some mental health problems including depression, anxiety, mood disorders and suicidality. This is because children can become overstimulated from screen time without realizing it, which leads to worse moods, more anxiety, and higher levels of irritability. For example, children frequently attempt to reach out for support or validation on video games; when they do not get the feedback they are looking for, however, their stress levels increase and their risk of depression rises. Fear of missing out on what others are saying and doing online also drives up stress and anxiety levels.

  However, popular science TV programs and puzzle games are beneficial to students’ intelligence development and boost their academic success to some extent. To begin with, watching science shows at home helps children understand the daily relevance of science to their lives, the depth and breadth of science as a field of inquiry, and what it might be like to choose to do science in the world, either as a professional or a citizen scientist. Additionally, completing a puzzle, even the simplest of puzzles, sets a single goal to achieve. Toddlers and children must think and develop strategies in achieving this goal. This process involves problem solving, reasoning skills and developing solutions which can later be transferred into their personal life.
  In conclusion, spending too much screen time leads to mental problems in children, but appropriate time can be spent to watch scientific programs and play some puzzle games to facilitate their mental growth.

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