

学习经验 SAT https://www.jiaoyubao.cn/ | 手机站

2018年10月13日 16:03:20

SAT词汇是同学备考SAT考试的基本内容,但是面对众多的SAT词汇资料,我们应该从哪些方面入手呢 小编为大家整理了巴朗系列的词汇,这些词汇在考试中出现的频率也比较高,因此对大家的备考有更好地帮助。

  slake V. /结束;平息;消除;伺候舒服/quench;
        sate. When we reached the oasis, we were able to slake our thirst.
       slander N. /诽谤/defamation; utterance of false and malicious statements. Considering the negative comments
  politicians make about each other, it's a wonder that more of them aren't sued for slander. also V.
  slapdash ADJ. /匆促的/haphazard; careless; sloppy. From the num ber of typos and misspellings I've found in it, it's
  clear that Mario proofread the report in a remarkably slapdash fashion.
  sleeper N. /睡眠;卧铺;枕木;冬眠的动物/something originally of little value or importance that in time becomes very
  valuable. Unnoticed by the critics at its publication, the eventual Pulitzer Prize winner was a classic sleeper.
  sleight N. /灵巧的/dexterity. The magician amazed the audience with his sleight of hand.
  slight N. /怠慢;斥责;侮辱/insult to one's dignity; snub. Hypersensitive and ready to take offense at any discourtesy,
  Bertha was always on the lookout for real or imaginary slights. also V.
  slipshod ADJ. /邋遢的;慢吞吞的;漫不经心的/untidy or slovenly; shabby. As a master craftsman, the carpenter prided
  himself on not doing slipshod work.
  slither V. /滑动/slip or slide. During the recent ice storm, many people slithered down this hill as they walked to the
  slothful ADJ. /懒的/lazy. Lying idly on the sofa while others worked, Reggie denied he was slothful: "I just supervise
  better lying down."
  slough V. /脱落;蜕皮/cast off. Each spring, the snake sloughs off its skin. slovenly ADJ. /邋遢的;漫不经心的/untidy; careless in work habits. Unshaven, sitting around in his bathrobe all afternoon,
  Gus didn't seem to care about the slovenly appearance he presented. The dark ring around the bathtub and the spider webs hanging from the beams proved what a slovenly housekeeper she was.
  sluggard N. /懒人/lazy person. "You are a sluggard, a drone, a parasite," the angry father shouted at his lazy son. sluggish ADJ. /行动迟缓的/Slow; lazy; lethargic. After two nights without sleep, she felt sluggish and incapable ofexertion.

  slur V. /模糊不清的说/speak indistinctly; mumble. When Sol has too much to drink, he starts to slur his words:
  "Washamatter  Cansh you undershtand what I shay "
  slur N. /诽谤;侮辱/insult to one's character or reputation; slander. Polls revealed that the front-runner's standing had
  been badly damaged by the slurs and innuendoes circulated by his opponent's staff. also V. (secondary meaning)
  smelt V. /冶炼;精炼/melt or blend ores, changing their chemical composition. The furnaceman smelts tin with copper to
  create a special alloy used in making bells.
  smirk N. /傻笑/conceited smile. Wipe that smirk off your face! alsoV.
  smolder V. /闷烧;随时准备爆发/burn without flame; be liable to break out at any moment. The rags smoldered for hours
  before they burst into flame.
  snicker N. /窃笑/half-stifled laugh. The boy could not suppress a snicker when the teacher sat on the tack. alsoV. snivel V. /流鼻涕;啜泣;鼻子一把泪一把/run at the nose; snuffle; whine. Don't you come sniveling to me complaining about
  your big brother. sobriety N. moderation (especially regarding indulgence in alcohol); seriousness. Neither falling-down drunks nor stand-up comics are noted for sobriety. sober, ADJ.
  sodden ADJ. /湿透的/soaked; dull, as i f from drink. He set his sodden overcoat near the radiator to dry.
  sojourn N. /逗留/temporary stay. After his sojourn in Florida, he began to long for the colder climate of his native New
  England home.
  solace N. /安慰/comfort in trouble. I hope you will find solace in the thought that all of us share your loss.
  solder V. /焊接/repair or make whole by using a metal alloy. The plumber fixed the leak in the pipes by soldering a
  couple of joints from which water had been oozing.
  solecism N. /语法错误;谬误/construction that is flagrantly incorrect grammatically. I must give this paper a failing mark because it contains many solecisms.








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