
雅思口语延展对话方式 雅思考试

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2019年01月27日 11:42:57

2017年(2018年版尚未发布)雅思考试大数据显示,大陆考生的口语平均分只有5 28,是什么使得辣么多考鸭n刷难上5 5分呢?今天小编和大家分享两个有助提分的口语考试技巧!

  每个考鸭身边总有一些英语大神----备战一周,几乎是裸考上阵,却顺利拿下7.0;而有些老烤鸭n战都卡在5.5,口语小分迟迟上不去~A large number of candidates appear in IELTS speaking test but their band scores differ, for example, some get Band 7 or above while somereceive Band 6 or below.差距到底在哪里呢?So, what is thedissimilaritywith a candidate who scored Band 7and not Band 6 or Band 5? There must be some differences in the way thesecandidates prepare for the exam.在备考期间找到差距,补足短板才能更有效地提分~Unlessyou understand this difference, you won’t be able to improve your band score in IELTS. Let us understand these differentiating points in detail.
  一、拓展回答Extending your Answers
  有一些问题不在话题卡上,而是考官想到哪就问到哪,尤其是在考生背答案痕迹明显时,考官更是会改变问问题的角度~Questionsother than cue cardare also the ones where you need tospeak more, though not for 2 mins but forspecifying reasonsalong with examples, tosatisfy the examiner.回答不能只是简单的答一句话就结束了~Avoid giving aone liner or one word (yes or no) answer.如果暂时没有思路就paraphrase考官的问题,利用这个时间拓展答案~It would actuallybe the worst case if you only say “yes” or “no” but don’t paraphrase thequestion and extend it fully.
  同时,回答不能跑题~However, you canalso keep this thing in mind that extending answer doesn’t mean that you cango off-topicand say just anything which hasnothing to do with the question (what, where, when, how etc.).
  举个栗子~Fo rexample, Examiner asks you below question: How do you spend your weekends?
  Following are examples of a bad answer:
  Bad Answer
  I go for movies.

  Another Not a Good Answer
  I go for movies. Last night, I saw an interesting film with my family and I think it has inspired me a lot. I think that movie has been directed well and one can find alot of humorous stuff in it.
  Good AnswerLet’s see what a good answer can be:
  I usually spend my weekends going out for a movie with my family and sometimes with myfriends. This is because I feel that watching a movie refreshes my mind fromthe busy week days I have and rejuvenates(使更有活力) me to continue my work with good spirit in the next week.

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